Chapter 2

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The next morning Emma was the first to wake. She slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Killian up. She went to the bathroom to get ready for another long day at the station. Once in the bathroom she brushed her hair and threw it up in a messy pony tail. She quickly did her makeup before leaving the bathroom. Emma quietly opened the door to sneak out, but Killian had woken up. "Come back to bed love." Killian told her as he patted the empty spot next to him.

"Killian I have to go to work." Emma sigh. She really did wish she could lie around all day with him and just talk about what the future held for them. "I promise we can do whatever you want tonight. Okay?"

"Anything?" He smirked.

Emma quickly gave him a glare, which shot down whatever idea he had in his head. "Goodbye Killian." She told his as she hurried out the door.

When she finally made it to work David was already there. She took off her red jacket and lazily tossed it onto her chair. "Morning sweetheart." David greeted.

He handed her a cup of coffee from Granny's. "Morning." Emma replied before she took a sip of the hot coffee.
"So how are you and Killian?" David asked.

"We are fine, last night was nice." Emma told him. "And Dad, thank you."

"Hey, I get it. He makes you happy, pirate or not, and I am not going to stand in the way of your finding your happy ending."

"You're the best." Emma replied giving David a hug.

"I know." He laughed. "Now let's get to work."

Emma let go and headed over towards her desk. She saw she had a text message, so picked her phone up and unlocked it. It was from Regina.

R: Hey how was last night? ( ;

E: Regina!

R: Yes?

E: NO!

R: Fine. So how does it feel to be engaged?

E: Amazing... hey will u b my Maid of Honor?

R: Yah!

E: Good because otherwise I would have to resort to Belle, and she is under a sleeping curse.

R: Yah. So when do u want to have the wedding?

E: Soon! You never know when there will be another monster trying to destroy the town.

R: Good point. What about dress shopping?

E: Idk

R: Tonight?

E: No... I promised Killian we could do whatever he wanted tonight because I left so early this morning.

R: Haha... Have fun with that! ( ;

E: Bye Regina

R: C u later.

Emma put her phone down and got to work. She had a bunch of papers to file and a fair number of reports to read through. "For a town that is suppose to live Happily Ever After, it sure has a lot of problems." Emma joked.

"Yeah it seems like that for sure." David sighed as he continued to read through one of the reports.

Hours slowly passed by as Emma and David read through the files. Most were just simple complaints, but every once in awhile they had to go look for missing or stolen objects. "Emma, do you want to take a break and go to Granny's for dinner with your mother and I?"

"Nah, I think I'll just stay here and get through the rest of this stack. Thanks for the offer and please tell Mom 'Hi' " Emma replied, determined to get through the rest of the the files before heading home.

"Okay." David replied grabbing his keys. "Oh and your mom and I will take the night shift."

"Oh, thanks." Emma replied.

Once David left Emma read through the rest of the files before checking her phone.

Killian: Meet me on the Jolly Roger at 7.

E: See you there Captain!

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