Chapter 22

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Bella was now just over 9 months old and she was a healthy little girl. She was already beginning to look like her parents. Bella had light blonde hair like Emma, but sea blue eyes similar to Killian's. She was a very easy baby as well. Most nights Emma and Killian didn't have to get up, and she was always a good eater.

One morning Emma was giving Bella a bath in the tub. She had Bella in a little bath tub ring so that she wouldn't fall over. Emma washed her hair and her body, before quickly drying her off. She then went down stairs and played with Bella in the living room until Killian came home with breakfast. "Morning, love." He greeted Emma. "And good morning my little princess." He said to Bella.

"Good morning." Emma replied. "Thanks for getting breakfast, I'm starving."

"No problem." Killian replied setting the food down.

Killian had picked up donuts for breakfast. He got some glazed ones, a few chocolate cake donuts and a bear claw for Emma. Emma sat down with Bella, and took turns eating her food and feeding Bella. "That was good." Emma stated after taking the last bit.

"Yeah, it really hit the spot." Killian replied

"Well, if you would take Bella I will go get dressed." Emma said.

"Yeah, no problem." Killian said.

Emma hurried upstairs and started getting ready, but after about ten minutes she her Killian calling her. "Emma, come down here quick!" He shouted.

Emma walked down the stairs, to find Bella clumsily walking around. "She's walking." Killian said.

"Yeah, this is amazing." Emma replied.

Bella took a few more steps before falling over. She tripped on one of her toys, and immediately started crying. "Oh, it's okay lass." Killian cooed as he scooped her up. "You'll be okay." Killian started to slowly rock her back and forth. "Shh, it's okay baby girl."

After a little moments of cradling, Bella quieted down. They then headed over the Regina's for a family lunch, where they eat good food and spent time together, as a whole family.

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