Chapter 18

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It was early one morning when Emma received a text from Regina.

R: Hey, can you stop by my office in about 10 minutes?

E: Yah, Y?

R: Just come, please!

E: Okay.

Emma was confused and she thought that Regina was up to something, but they were friends, so she decided to go. "Hey, Killian?" Emma called from the living room.

"Yes, my swan?' Killian replied walking into the room.

"I just wanted to let you know Regina wants me to come over to her office in about 10 minutes."

"Okay," He replied.

"Yes you later." Emma replied as she collected her things.

"Bye." Killian answered.

When Emma turned the corner to enter Regina's office all of the lights were off, which made Emma suspicious. She reluctantly walked in, but was quickly surprised by all of her friends and a ton of decorations. She was confused what this was all for until she saw a banner that read "Welcome Baby Jones!" Emma was blown away, she couldn't believe they had thrown her a baby shower, let alone a surprise baby shower. "Guys, you know you didn't have to do this." Emma replied.

"Yes we did!" Snow replied giving her daughter a hug. "We want you to know that we are here for you."

"Well, thank you." Emma replied.

After Emma had settled in and eat some food, they decided to open presents. Most of them were toys, bottles and clothing, but when she opened Granny's gift there was a little white blanket inside, that looked just like her's except there wasn't a any embroidering. "Thank you so much Granny." Emma said.

"Now, when the baby is born I will put the name on it, just like I did with yours." Granny told her.

"That's amazing, thank you." Emma replied.

Once all of the presents were opened Regina stood up and said,"Well Emma? Would you like to tell everyone the gender of your child?'

"Oh, yeah." Emma replied. "Killian and I are going to have a baby girl."

Everyone started cheering and clapping because they were so happy for Emma and Killian.

After most of the people had left the shower Emma stayed to help clean up. There wasn't much to do besides throw away the wrapping paper, the plates, and the leftover food. "Hey, thanks for the party." Emma told Regina and her mom.

"No problem." Regina responded.

When they were finally finished Emma said "Well, I better be getting home, thanks again."

"No problem, see you later sweetie." replied Snow.   

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