Chapter 11

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It was late the next morning when Killian woke up. He was still groggy from the late night, but then the memories flooded back. He remember their wedding, there little drive in the woods, the fun party, and the amazing time they had after that.

Emma had her head on Killian's chest with a hand resting on his heart, so he gently started petting her golden hair.
As time passed he thought about what was going to happen in the future, now that they had taken this big step. He wanted to live happily with her for the rest of his life.

Emma slowly began to wake up. She began to mindlessly draw circles and lines on Killian's chest. Then she opened her eyes and her head started throbbing. She slowly sat up and looked around. Emma groaned when she saw the clock and realized what time it was. "Good morning love!" Killian said.

"There is nothing good about the morning." Emma moaned.

"So I'd take it that you're not feeling well after our little excursion last night." Killian teased.

"Last night was great, this morning, not so much." Emma sighed. "My head is killing me, and I'm feeling super hungover."

"I'll let you rest a little more while I go make some breakfast." Killian told her as he got out of bed.

"That would be great." Emma replied as she laid back down.

As Killian left, Emma rolled over and tried to get some more sleep, but she couldn't, so she decided to check her phone. She read thru all of her texts from friends saying how great the wedding and the reception were. After checking her phone she got up and went down stairs. She was surprised to find Killian had made pancakes. Killian heard Emma's footsteps and said, "You ready for breakfast now?"

"Yeah, but I can't believe that you actually made pancakes. Thank you." Emma told him before grabbing one of the plates.

After Killian turned off the stove and cleaned up a little before he sat down with Emma at the table, where he eat a plate of his own. Besides pancakes he made some scrambled eggs and bacon. They both eat everything on there plate and then Emma took then to the sink, so that she could clean them later. She then sat back down at the table. Killian took Emma's hand and squeezed it lightly. "I love you Emma." Killian told her.

"I love you too." Emma replied as she pulled him into a kiss.

She could taste the syrup on his lips from the pancakes. Killian's good hand snaked up her back and into her hair. He lightly played with it as he used his hook to pull her body closer to his. Emma was the first to pull back. She sat back in her chair, looking uncomfortable. "Are you alright?" Killian asked

"Yes, I'm fine. My head just really hurts." Emma told him. "Well, that's what I get for letting Regina talk me into shots!" Emma laughed.

"Well that would probably be the reason." Killian joked. "Would you like me to get you some ibuprofen?"

"I would love that." Emma replied.

When Killian left the kitchen and went up to the bathroom Emma decided to go lay down on the couch. She sat down and adjusted a pillow before grabbing the remote and laying back. She flipped through some channels before settling on the news. After a few minute passed, Killian came back down with the medicine. "Here you go swan." He said as he handed her the pill and a small cup of water.

"Thanks." Emma replied before putting the pill in her mouth and taking a sip of water.

Before long Emma was asleep on the couch with her head on Killian's lap. He was playing with her hair as he watched a movie, and before he knew it, he was asleep too.

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