Chapter 16

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It was a quiet day when Emma and Killian had decided to go for a walk. Emma was now 15 weeks along and you could tell that she was pregnant. They were walking down the docks, enjoying the view, when Emma stopped and grabbed her stomach. "Is everything okay love?' Killian asked rushing over to her.

Emma looked up at him with bright eyes and said, "I felt a kick."

"Really?" Killian asked.

"Yeah, right here." Emma told him as she took his hand and moved it to the spot where she had felt the kick.

"I can't feel anything." Killian sighed.

"Just wait." Emma replied moving his hand slightly.

They stood there for a minute and then Killian felt it. It was a light flutter of movement under his hand, but he could feel it. "Wow," Killian responded. "That's our child."

"Yes, it is." Emma said.

After another moment of standing there they continued on their walk, before heading home. Once home Emma made dinner, while Killian set the table. Emma had been craving a grilled cheese all week, so that's what she opted to make. When the sandwiches were done she put them on the plates and she sliced some fruit for them both. Emma then set the plated on the table and she took her seat. They slowly eat there food in silence until Killian spoke. "So? What shall we name our child?"

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it." Emma responded. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Well let's start with boy names, so what about Louis, or maybe Harry?" Killian asked.

"I like Harry, but I was kind of thinking that if we had a boy we could name his Liam, after your brother." Emma said.

"Why not?" Killian responded. "What about for a girl?"

"I've always liked Grace, or what about Elizabeth?" Emma asked. "Oh, Sarah is cute too."

"What about Bella?" Killian suggested.

"Yeah, that's pretty." Emma replied. "Okay so Liam if it is a boy and Bella if it is a girl."

"Sounds good to me." Killian said.

"Good," Emma replied. "I think I'm going to head to bed. The little one has not been letting up with the kicking, and I'm pretty tired."

"Okay, I'll be up soon." Killian replied as he started on the dished.

When Killian finally made it upstairs Emma was already asleep. She was laying on her back with her hair sprawled out over the pillow. Killian always thought that she looked like an angel when she sleep. He gently crawled up the bed and softly placed his hands on Emma's stomach. He kissed it sweetly and whispered, "Hey little one, it's your father. I just want to let you know that I can't wait to meet you and that I promise to be the best father I can. You mother and I will always be here for you. I love you."

After Killian's little talk with the baby he changed into pajamas and got back into bed. He soon found himself drifting off to sleep as well.

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