Chapter 15

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Emma is currently 8 weeks along and she was going to go to head out to her doctor's appointment soon. You couldn't fully tell that Emma was pregnant yet, but she was beginning to show, just a little. Emma wanted to get it over with and know that the baby was healthy. Killian, on the other had, was very excited to go. He couldn't wait to see his little one on the ultrasound.

When they arrived that the doctors office they checked in and then took a seat in the waiting room. A nurse with long dark hair soon came and took them to one of the rooms. The nurse first ran a few tests to make sure that Emma and the baby were both healthy. Then Dr. Whale came into the room to do the ultrasound. "Hello Emma." He said. "How are you doing?"

"Good," She replied.

"Okay, so are you feeling any pain? Any morning sickness yet?" Whale asked.

"Nope." Emma replied.

"That's good. Would you like to see your child now?"

"Yes." Emma responded.

She laid down and looked over at Killian. He so happy and excited. She grabbed his hand and slightly squeezed it. "Okay, I need you to lift your shirt up Emma." Whale instrudted.

"Whoa, mate." Killian interrupted.

"Not like that Killian," Emma laughed.

Emma then pulled her shirt up half way so that Dr. Whale could put the gel on her stomach. "This may be a little cold." He said as she squeezed some onto her stomach.

Emma cringed when she felt the cool gel, but she quickly relaxed when he moved the monitor to her stomach. She looked at the screen and saw a bunch of black and white fuzzy shapes show up. Whale moved the monitor around a little, and then stopped. Emma and Killian looked back to the screen and saw their child. It was very small, but they could just barely make out its body. "Well, there it is." The nurse said as she took a picture of the screen for Emma and Killian to have.

Killian looked at Emma with a huge grin on his face. "I still can't believe that I'm going to be a father."

"Well you better believe it," Whale said handing him the picture.

"So when will be able to find out the gender of our child?" Killian asked.

"Not for a while." Whale answered. "Probably not until Emma is 20 weeks along. We will send you out front so you can schedule your next appointment. It was good to see you two."

"It was nice seeing you as well." Emma replied.

Emma took a wipe from the nurse and wiped off the extra gel, then she got up. She followed Killian out the door, to the front desk were they made the next appointment. Then they left the hospital and drove home. Emma then texted Regina and her parents to let her know that the appointment went well.

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