Chapter 20

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"The baby, she's coming!" Emma gasped.

"What? But your only 34 weeks." Killian said as he helped her to the car.

"I've done this before. I know when the baby is coming, and she is!" Emma groaned. "We need to get to the hospital, now!"

They quickly get in the bug and Killian drive them to the hospital. He parked out front and then he hurried inside. He ran to the front desk and said, "I need help outside. My wife is about to have a baby!"

"Okay, calm down sir." The lady said.

She grabbed two nurses who then wheeled a wheelchair to the car and moved Emma onto it. They took her to a room and sat her on the bed. "How far along are you?" One of the nurses asked.

"34 weeks." Killian replied.

"I'll go get Whale." said the other nurses.

Emma quickly changed into a hospital gown before Dr. Whale came into the room. They gave her a pain killing shot, and after five and half hours Emma's labor was almost over. She was laying on the bed tightly squeezing Killian's hand as she screamed and cried in pain.

"Emma, love, let go of my hand." Killian asked. "You're going to break it!"

"NO!" Emma shouted. "You did this to me! You have no idea the pain I'm in. Just get this baby out of me!"

"Come on Emma, one more push." Whale insisted.

"Aaahhh!" Emma screamed as she pushed.

She quickly grew quiet when she heard their little girls cry. Whale wrapped her into a little blanket and handed her to Killian. "Congratulations." Whale said. "You have a healthy 5 and quarter pound baby girl."

Killian was beaming with joy. He was smiling so big and he just couldn't stop. "Hello Bella!" He said. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Can I hold her?" Emma asked in tears.

"Yeah, of course." He said as he gently handed her over.

"Bella, my darling." Emma said before placing a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead.

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