MH 3: Mystery Girl

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He'd come into the Pub to see his friends --the Dwarfs-- and happened to notice the new girl performing with them.

And boy was she a talented drummer. He'd thought then a he'd tried to make out her face in the stage's flooding light but she had a ball cap pulled so low over her face, he could hardly make out the colour of her hair. So after the performance, he'd ditched his friends and followed her into the alley, wanting to talk to her. But then he saw a black figure moving towards her from behind. Someone she knew maybe. He'd thought. Waving off the prickling feeling at the back of his neck.

He started to call out to her when he saw the black figure bring out a knife and charge towards her. His call turned into a scream.


Instinct, fate or pure luck. Terra didn't know which had her moving away seconds before the black figure hit her bike. The dagger lightly grazing her exposed arm. But he was back on his feet again ready for another strike.

Heavens help me!! Terra screamed mentally before dodging another strike, this one aimed for her stomach and another for her shoulder. Breathing heavily, she waited. Watching the figure move, stalking like a predator does its prey and when he lunged at her, she moved away suddenly, kicking him aside with a flashing foot to the belly making the black figure run straight into the open alley bin, and immediately closed the lid over his head. He screamed.

An Unearthly sound.

Like an animal in pain.

Her breath wheezed out of her lungs in hard huffs as her chest constricted in terror and pain. She ran to her bike and hopped on, hoping to pedal away as fast as she could before the figure regained composure but was grabbed by the hair and thrown off her bike. She landed butt-first on the cool hard ground. The hand that had grabbed her hair, held her throat and lifted her off the ground cutting off her already short air supply.

The will to live had her struggling, kicking out at the figure, and made the mistake of her life. Looking into the figure's eyes, what she saw scared her more than losing her life. The last thing she heard before slipping into darkness was a growl.

He'd been frozen to the spot since the scene before him played out. The girl was fast. Real fast. But he doubted she knew as she repeatedly dodged the figure's dagger. Then she was grabbed by the throat. Immediately, his body felt released. He sprinted forward but was stopped back in his tracks by a growl... Followed by a shout.

The shout came from behind him.

"Whoz dere?" The voice from behind asked.

"Ah sey whoz dere?" The voice repeated.

He was momentarily distracted from the alley scene and when he looked back, both the girl and the figure were gone.


Terra let herself into the house. Thank goodness Marie isn't back.
She didn't think she had the strength to undergo an interrogation, should Marie find her like this.

Her hair was messy, her cloth torn, her arm ached, and she had the mother of all headaches. She still had her backpack though she'd lost her jacket which had been around her waist the entire time.

What just happened? She didn't want to think about it. She'd assumed it had been an alley thief after her paycheck but she was wrong as her paycheck was still with her. A relief as it was her only cash and she wasn't about to lose it to an alley thief. Except her attacker hadn't been one. The feeling she'd had seconds before the figure charged at her was a strange one. Sure, she could see better at night than most people, perceive people's or something's scent and could hear things at a distance most people couldn't but she'd always thought it was a gene thing, that she had heightened senses. But tonight had been different. She'd known the figure was evil and even sensed the knife before she saw it.

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