MH 33: Secrets

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'In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends'

_Martin Luther King__


They were on the ride home. Austin driving them in Cam's car since their mom had had to go somewhere with theirs.

When Terra had discovered she had telekinesis along with her teleportation, Mitch had helped her tone her energy down and though it might've been more than speculation, the MetaHunter hadn't shown signs of telepathy.. Yet. After, Mitch had decided that with his influence and position, he would put up an undercover search for anyone or thing with Charles' face which Charlotte had provided later on, it turned out she had a picture of him in her purse all along. He'd been eighteen when he died. The poor kid but Xander didn't want to think about that. The circumstances of his death was too disturbing for her. Mitch had stated then that since it possessed a body that had to be maintained, it couldn't possibly have stayed undercover for ten years.

Geli had left immediately after, stating she knew a few other Sorceress' that could have an idea of who the Figure had been working with for years.

The triplets had then offered to take Terra to the pub, saying that Heartings had been asking after her ever since they told him that a critical illness was the reason behind her absence from the pub. Marie commended them then, saying the less people that knew about it all, the better.  Drake had offered to follow them and so, the four of them had left the house, trekking to the pub. They'd extended the offer to them but Cam had turned it down, stating that they had a Region to cross and it was getting late.
Xander wondered if she was the only one who'd seen the look Terra shared with her brother, or the way he'd squeezed her arm lightly before they got into the car. Were they a thing? She wondered but knew her brother would tell her if they had. Eventually.

With the group dispersed, Charlotte riding with Geli and Marie with Mitch, they all gone their separate ways.

Now, Xander thought about the question Marie had asked. The question that had been nagging her mind ever since.

"We're getting closer to finding that out. But first, who did you three piss off enough for it to wait ten years to take revenge? You got any enemies we should know of?"

And if she was right, --which she usually was-- it was what had her brother and best friend bothered too. The silence in the car could be pierced with a sharp knife.
All three Metas had the same thoughts but none of them wanted to voice it out first.

"We should have told them," Xander murmured, slicing the eerie quiet in two. "We shouldn't have just kept quiet. We--"

"Told them what exactly X?" Cam, her blue eyes shades darker than usual, demanded.

"Told them everything. I told you from the start that she is one of us. It's unfair to leave her in the dark."

"It all happened in the dark Xander, let it stay there." Cam argued.

"And risk her getting hurt? This whole thing could backfire you know? What if she finds out? What if--"

"What if we had died that night Xand?" Austin's voice was as soft and light as a feather yet held the steel audacity that had Xander shutting her mouth.

"It all happened ten years ago. Agreed the whole circumstance was..." His grey eyes caught Cam's blue ones in the rearview mirror, held them. "stupid and unfortunate, we closed it off. Just like the portal that aspect of our lives is closed."

"We left a loose end. We might have closed the portal but we left a loose end. It didn't finish that night can't you see it? You're the one with the predictions yet you act like you can't feel the bleak future bubbling just under the surface of this present."

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