MH 8: Showcase

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"So, what are we going to do?" Xander was saying. She was seated at a table in the Pub with Terra and Cam. Austin had gone off to meet the Dwarfs saying something about being outnumbered by oestrogen.

"You're asking us that? You're supposed to be the leader Miss Trinity." Terra scoffed.

"Hey! Its not my fault you don't like the name and you didn't have any better idea." Xander retorted. They were all on edge.

Cam sighed and spoke up.

"Keep your calm you two. We've got to develop a plan. And fast." she added nodding towards the wall clock to indicate that time was flying.

"Okay, okay. First of all, Mrs Ivana said it is not compulsory to perform Toremian or Thydesian songs. We can perform songs from other countries or continents so far they are popular and somewhat related to high school life." Xander said.

"That works for me, since i'm not all that acquainted with Thydesian songs." Terra shurgged.

"Yes, but the problem is, we don't all have knowledge of the same songs and we need unity to perform as one." Xander said.

"So, its like the Three Musketeers right? All for one and one fo--"

A low whistle from Terra cut Cam off.

"What is it?" Cam asked annoyed at being cut off.

"I just got this bright idea." Terra replied.

"Well it better be good cause tick tock, tick tock." Cam mumbled and earned a glare from Xander.

"You guys have watched Barbie right?" Terra asked.

"Who hasn't watched Barbie?" Xander replied sacarstically, rolling her eyes.

"Good. So that means you've watched Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Remember the theme song?"

"Of course, your point is--?"
Cam asked and Terra shook her head at her before facing Xander who was grinning happily.

"You. Are. A. Genius!" Xander spelled out before rolling her eyes at Cam's confused look.

"C'mon Cam, get the wheels of your tiny brain in motion." She said tapping Cam's head before bursting into the song.

"I know its crazy
But I am not afraid
A country girl in a different world
Trying to find my own way"

Terra joined in the song as both of them stood facing a still confused Cam.

"I know that I can be
Whatever I can dream...
All for one its true"

"its true!" Cam chiped in, finally catching on as they all sang together.

"I'll show you what I can do
Pure heart, clear mind
Fighting for what's right everytime
I'm strong now and that's how
I know it won't be long now
All for one
One for all...
All for One

Applause exploded throughout the Pub as people cheered them. They were not aware that people had been listening and now, they grinned foolishly at each other.

"Okay Trinity," Xander clapped her hands together. "Time to get to practice!"


"Ahem! Attention everyone" Mrs Ivana shouted into the microphone. The Musick Theatre was bustling with students from different classes and departments and everybody seemed to be talking at once. Terra could feel the beginning of an headache forming at the base of her skull.

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