MH 30: Dating A McCourt

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Chapter Song:
Flashlight ~ Jesse J


I just loved that title! Though it sounds kinda cliché. Chapter should be titled 'The Date' or you know, something like that but Xander loves the name, Terra thinks it okay tho' she wouldn't argue with Xander, and though Austin agrees with me that it's cliche, he just goes with what Xand and Rainy says. *sighs* And here I was thinking the ball is always in the author's court. Oh! Yeah, Cam thinks its uncool too! Anyway, Enjoy!!


What the heck was she doing? She had absolutely no dating experience. What was she expected to do? How would she behave? It was so harder than Marie's 'No biggie'. It was a big 'biggie'. What if she flunked it and messed it all up? How would that make her look in front of Austin?

Hey! Racia protested.

You're letting this baby work overtime. Just relax and stop wringing your fingers. I'm here with you.

"Yeah, like that is supposed to make me feel better."

You. Just. Hurt. Me. Racia gasped.

Terra rolled her eyes but could feel her tension slowly begin to seep away.

"Hey," And her heart began to jackhammer. "Relax Rainy, it's not yet the end of the world." He took one of the hands she was wringing and entwined it with his, holding on tight.

"Where are we going?" She managed to ask, praying he didn't notice the slight tremor in her voice.

"It's a surprise."

The corner of his mouth turned up slightly and so, she left it at that. Trusting him to pick out the venue. Her hand still in his, she turned to look at the world whirl by. They were well past Green Field now, heading towards where Terra suspected to be Flobster Land Region. It looked like a mega city compared to the quiet easy life in Green Field. The hills, forests and acres of greenland slowly rolled away into tall building, sky scrapers, fancy restaurants, shiny billboards and stuff. She began wondering which of the restaurants Austin would pull over to but he just kept driving until they reached a spot.

This part of the region was less busy but still held the reputation and vibe Flobster Land seemed to give off.

"Von Gãbon?" Terra read from the colourful sign held proudly by the head of the building.

"The Place."

"The place of what?"

"The Place for us."

Austin then got out of the car, walked to the other side and held the door open for her. Terra couldn't help but smile at the simple act of having the car door opened for her.

She got out as regally as she could, hooked her arm with Austin's outstretched one and walked with him inside the building.

The first thing that assaulted her senses was the bell that dinged when they entered, next was the delicious varying scents Terra suspected was from the large oak door a waiter currently went into as her eyes tried to take in the whole place at once.

The interior was brightly lit with lamps that glittered gold from the ceilings and fat candles that burned on every occupied table. As Austin led them to their reserved table, Terra learned that the candles burned a sweet smelling incense. Their table was low and intricately rounded with designs and characters carved into it. It was made of polished oakwood that reflected the lamps overhead.

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