MH 22.5: Beloved

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Hi WPers. This chapter was previously a single poem. Now, I want to use it to publicize my poem book! It's called 'Coven Of Words' and it's up on my profile. If you like the poem below, I bet you'll fall in love with the rest at 'Coven Of Words'. So hurry up and check it out. Thank You!! Oh! Be nice enough to vote and drop a comment when you check it out. :-)

Here goes.......


"If you die for her because you can't live without her, then your love is cruel because you never bothered what if she can't live without you."

When people we love die for us thinking it's a prove of their love, it's not. It is only the beginning to pure utter suffering and pain but they aren't around to console us. To hold us and say the magic words 'It's gonna be okay'. So we weep and cry as our hearts squeeze in want and agony, weeping for what we lost and can never regain.

Then comes the questions
'what if i had died instead?' 'what if I had never gone there/done that?'
Maybe he/she would still be alive'
but alas! If they were and you were gone, would you want them to face the agony you are going through? Is your love that cruel?

Then you die a thousand deaths at their one death and wish they hadn't left you behind. Your love burns within you yearning for its other half which it can never see. Some of us survive this, move on and think we've found love again but Nay, none ever like the first. Better or worse but not equal.

And the rest of us that don't, drown ourselves in memories and constant sadness. Now at a state of acceptance to what has happened and in that deep, thriving place, the pain still throbs. Steady now, after hating ourselves for what happened. Never forgiving ourselves for what we did or didn't do, we find happiness in the little things that eases the pain and rely on old age and cold death to take us back to our beloved. Not knowing that after we crossed the line, to the other abyss our beloved exists no more. Our hearts beat no more. And we are left alone in the bright dark with only glimpses of what love was like.


So now beloved, I implore thee.
Not to ever think of dying for me.
My heart, so tender cannot bear
The stinging pain of you not here

If thou must as in no choice
Leave me be to the other voice
Then I pray thee beloved
Take me with you whole-hearted

So that whereever you may be
There might my heart see
And not left to wander
The lonely earths assunder

Beloved of mine
No cruelty is greater
Than thou forsaken me with thine
Heart imprinted hither

Love is but cruelty
When thou art not with me in eternity.
So when cold death calls
With icy fingers claws

Let us be taken together
And be as one forever.


-Tophie Star-


So, that's it. I hope you're interested enough to check Coven Of Words out!!

I'd love to know your thoughts on this poem. Kindly Vote & Share too.

Till we meet again Mi amor....

Did i get that right?? Spanish readers...

Have the Perfect Weekend!!¡¡¡¡

573 words.

Peace Out!!

T.S. 😜❤

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