MH: Prologue

176 32 84

Chapter Song:
My Eden ~ Yisabel


Torem, Thydes.

Lost Region,

July, 2006.

It was raining and snowing. She loved when that happened. The little shivers that ran down her spine with every clap of thunder thrilled her. The dancing shadows illuminated every now and then by sudden bolts of lightening escalated her. When most kids would have run and hidden in their mother's arms for safety, this little girl stood by her window, her tiny arms outstretched towards the raging sky as the wind pelted her soft face with gusts of icy water.

She smiled now as one snow flake floated to rest gingerly on her forehead, quickly melting and slid down like a tear towards the deep valley in her cheek. It wasn't unusual to have varying weathers in her little world. Her curious ears had heard some saying it was a sign of good things to happen. But at that time, she felt it was a sign that bad things were going to happen. Very bad things.

The darkness and anger of the night suited her just fine, for it mirrored what weighed her young heart so heavily down.

Her smile faded into a sad sigh, and she retreated into the safety of her room, her little feet padding softly on the hard wooden floor. The ache in between her shoulder blades intensified into a scorching burn that warred with the clenching fist around her heart. She dry-swallowed two more Aspirin pills to help ease the pain.

Yes, she thought. Terrible things were sure to happen. A loud clap of thunder shook the house to its foundation as if agreeing with her thoughts. A sharp bolt of blue lightening sliced through the thick, cold darkness and shone so bright, she thought it was headed straight for her.

In the space of a heartbeat, she saw images, of herself, of others and something else her young mind immediately recognised as evil, then it was gone.

Underneath the roaring of the raging storm and the pounding of her tender heart, she heard the soft creaking of the front door opening, the unmistakeable taps of sandaled feet on concrete steps and so she closed her eyes, her long lashes fanning her red cheeks as she released another soft cloud into the air.

Her last thought,

Marie was back.

Tophie's Note

Hey People! This wasn't here before but I hope it adds more flavour to the story i'm brewing! Please comment your thoughts on the Prologue.

Every Vote, Comment and Share will be highly appreciated.

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Twitter:- @tophie_star

IG:- tophiestar

440 Words

Thanks Beauties¡¡¡

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