MH 28: Terracia

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Chapter Song:
Auditory Hallucinations~Jang Jae In ft NaShow

'The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.

_Meryl Streep_

Sub Chapter Title: Terra? Racia? Or Rogue?


"Welcome to my humble abode, Terracia. Or should I say, Rogue?" 

The MetaHunter was infected. Cam thought as she stared directly into its yellow and green eyes. And whoever was controlling the Racia through the Venom had directed her-it here. Her best plan was to stall until Xander brought the rest of them, a team or whatever they were, over.

"What would you like me to offer you?" When her silver ornate chair went flying breaths away from her head, Cam knew she'd gotten her answer even as she began circling the room with the Hunter--Rogue. The yellow eyes told of it--eyeing her warily and anticipating her next move. Predator to prey, hunter to hunted.

Next she knew, the Hunter vanished from her sight, into thin air leaving shrads of broken glass in her wake and before Cam could process what was happening, she felt its presence behind her a split second before a back hand hit sent her sprawling. Cam got to her feet, tasted blood and spat it out not caring that the stain wouldn't wash off her pale blue rug. The Meta could teleport! Was her only thought even as she was dragged by the collar and thrown halfway across the room to land painfully on her back.

The next events happened so fast, it went by as a blur. One minute she was sprawled on her back the next, she was flying through the air before hitting the opposite wall and breaking her arm on a loud crack. Someone wanted her dead. Cam thought, her head pounding and slowly seeping warm liquid into her eyes. Unsteadily, she got up, not feeling her left arm and tried to summon up energy to defend herself. Her plan to stall might only earn her a few more broken limbs if she was lucky. And luck wasn't her middle name.

She saw the moment it knew her intent because in milliseconds, it had her by her neck, strangling her with one clawed hand that lifted her off her feet like she was weightless. Slowly and painfully, Camellia felt her air supply cut off even as the sharp claws dug into her neck.

That was when her reflexes kicked in. When her body responded to what she'd consciously denied it with the hopes of stalling: Defense and attack.

Her hands clamped around the arm holding her up, the broken arm healing itself bone on bone as her eyes and entire body engulfed in blue flames as she became one with her inner self. Her Meta self.

Soon, the Meta-Rogue was letting go of her and howling like a wounded animal as it backed away from her. It vanished for a second but as it materalised out of the air, Cam caught it by its pale throat, flung it towards the shattered window and watched it disappear before landing.

Then she engulfed herself in an orb of protection and was taken aback when the Rogue appeared right inside it with her. The Orb was supposed to be inpenetrable. The momentary shock had her losing her balance and the yellow eyed Meta plunged its enlongated claws into her chest, each claw moving deeper and deeper as if to rip out her heart. Only Cam knew it wasn't a heart that would be ripped out but something worse. So with the full force of her power, she willed the pain away. Watching as electric blue pulse premeated from her chest to push the claws out before she felt herself begin to liquidate to that pulse of energy.

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