MH 26: Venom

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A/N: Important Note at the end. Please read!!

This chapter (name) was inspired by Marvel's 'The Ultimate Spiderman'. Venom was --still is-- my best episode.



'Distilled agression...... Pure Venom.'

_Dr Otto Octavius a.k.a Dr Octopus_

The Ultimate Spiderman.

Season 1, Ep. 4


Often, mothers tell tales of the monsters in the woods, of the little green people under the bed ready to whisk off hanging body parts and even of the still voices that whisper terrors into the night, just to scare the little children from delving into wrong paths. But little do they know that every monster told in tales actually truly exist and are just waiting for the right time. The time to reveal themselves.....

It had waited. And It had won. They'd thought they had a chance at figuring it out. Finding out what it was. Is. It let out decibels of roaring laughter into the dark. Little did they know that they'd been chasing shadows in the dark.

Now it sat back almost content with it's recent work. Almost.

Its red blazing eyes raking over the fire identical to it. Sooner than later, it would reap the reward of its labour.

It would break the Cycle.

* * * *      * * *

They were all seated around the coffee table, with gloomy faces and downcast auras. He remembered the last time they'd seated like this. It had been to figure out who or what Terra's attacker was. He hadn't even been on talking terms with her then. Now, she was gone. He glanced at the teenage girl who was currently seated on a single chair. She was still pale though most of her tan had returned. She wouldn't eat or drink anything mostly because she didn't know how than she wasn't hungry. She still wore the burnt, shaggy clothes as she wouldn't let anyone touch her and she didn't know what to do. She watched warily and detached like she was observing everything from a very far distance. She held the same soft face--though it was now schooled to blankness-- as someone who'd come to be dear to him. The same jet black hair, coffee brown eyes, delicate face and even the slight indent in her cheek. But she didn't smile. She wasn't Her.


She wasn't Rainy.

She was Racia.

The sixth sense that was supposed to alert of metaphysical danger. The Racia had taken over Terra's body as deduced by Mitch an hour ago the time it had taken for Xander, Cam, Drake, and the Ylan brothers to appear.

He was scared. Scared that he would forever be made to see her, maybe talk to her and always know that it was not her. Not his Rainy.

"I'm not sure but I think that's pretty much what happened." Mitch's voice penetrated through his thoughts and he shook his head asif willing them away.

"Sorry, you lost me. What happened?" His voice strained, he dug his hands into the pocket of the jacket Mitch had lent him earlier.

On a sigh, Mitch began to recount all he had said. "It is not unusual for the Racia to take over the minds of their Hosts. In a case where a Metahunter's ability and strength is weak and unable to protect from danger, the Racia automatically kicks in, takes control of the body and provides immediate protection. After these, it goes back into safe mode and it is now left of the Hunter to recover and take control of their mind and body. In some cases where the mind is totally bruised, it may take longer to heal. Months, years maybe. Sometimes, they never recover and the Racia ends up taking complete control and living the life of the Metahunter. They don't last long though. The Racia isn't created for long time control so within months, the Meta eventually dies."

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