MH 18: Teen-Napped

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Terra felt disgust more than fear at being kidnapped. Wait she wasn't a kid so Teen-napped was more like it. She had a smelly gag around her mouth which stopped her from yelling her lungs out. Marq and the spiky guy had drugged her and brought her someplace she hoped was still within the school compound.

Her head hurt and was foggy but she managed to glare daggers at Clownface when she removed her gag.

"Feeling dizzy scumbag?" Clownface asked.

"B*tch." She replied and earned herself a hard slap across the face.

"You had better keep that slutty mouth of yours shut or else." Marq threatened. Terra made to retort some nasty comment but the look on Spiky's face kept her mouth shut. If a slap from Marq could hurt like a mother, she couldn't imagine how bad a slap from Spiky's bulky palms would.

"Remove her ties Jake." Marq ordered Spiky whose name she now learned to be Jake. As the gangstar looking kid came towards her, she slowly took in their surroundings. They were in a dimly lit and poorly ventilated room that consisted mostly of broken furnitures which meant they were within the school premises. The place stank of stale moisture and the air hung heavy with accumulated dust.

Spiky-Jake removed her binds only to shove her into a broken chair with three standing legs. She landed backside first on the hard wooden chair, pain rocketing up her butt and she hissed.

"Who ya hissing at?" Jake asked scowling. "The pain in my butt." Terra replied in a duh tone. She felt very disgusted at been taken against her will for HeavenKnowsWhat by her schoolmate. What was the twenty first century turning to. She wondered.

"Well that pain would be the least of your problems when i'm done with you." Marq said coldly. Her voice was almost dripping with ice in contrast to the fire Terra saw behind her blue orbs.

"Let me get this straight." Terra began and made the mistake of standing to her full height. In a flashing speed, she was landing back where she began. Her butt. She was sure red bruises were already dancing their way to her backside. Now she was more than disgusted, she was pissed. Yeah, she was outnumbered with Jake flanking Marq but there was only a lot of shoving and slapping a girl could endure. Besides, now that fear wasn't clouding her senses, self defense moves from her training were beginning to trickle in. She couldn't take on both of them but she certainly could take Marq down long enough to distract Jake and make a run for it.

She quickly planned her strategy and decided to test if she was as good as she thought she was in martial arts. Since it appeared that her captors were expecting some kind of move from her, she decided to hold the element of surprise and spoke quietly instead.

"What the heck do you want from me?"

"Want? You think I want anything from a filth like you?" Marq screeched in rage. Terra only shrugged in reply and kept sizing the blonde up. "You're the f*cking b*tch who stole my boyfriend!!"

"Correction. I don't even know you or who your boyfriend is."

"Oh don't play the dumb act with me Rainy! You know damn well who i'm talking about." The mention of Austin's pet name for her had Terra thinking 'Oh hell! I'm so gonna kill Austin'.

Her lack of reply had Marq's face turning red with rage till Terra thought smoke were sure to be puffing out of her ears.

"Answer me dammit!! Are you or are you not dating Austin?" Marq asked hotly. So the whole deal was about Austin. Terra felt sorry for any woman who tried to make a move on Marq's future husband. That was if she ever got one. To infuriate Marq further, Terra shrugged again. She could use the Clownface's anger to her advantage. That was if her own rising anger didn't cloud her mind.

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