MH 13: Saviour

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Chapter Song:
Fire Of Love~City Hunter OST




The wind exploded like shattering stars.

Terra felt the force of it knock the air out of her and throw her off her feet before she landed on her butt.

As she stood, clouds covered the bright moon and shielded the twinkling stars from view. In the thick dark blew an icy cold that numbed her skin through her hoodie. The wind carried on the sound that could only be likened to that of a monster who lived in books.

Terra stood with feet planted firm as she watched something slither out of the icy dark. She could feel its hunger.....its hate and she trembled under the force of it. The strength of it.

The hooded figure came out with darkness and Terra heard only one word before blazing red eyes glared holes into her.........



She stood frozen on the spot as she watched red eyes connect with hers in a silent dare. She was scared. Not of the Hooded Figure, but of the force of dark energy that saturated its presence.

Swallowing, she groped for whatever courage was left within her and spoke through the lump in her throat. She had come for answers.

"Who a--are y--you?" she stuttered shakily into the suddenly freezing, dark night, the wind carrying her voice across the Park towards the Hooded Figure.


"What do you want from me?" she tried again without stuttering.


Terra felt her patience begin to wear thin. She didn't doubt for a second that she was facing a Meta-Human though she had no idea what powers he-it possessed since Mitch hadn't really educated her on that.

"You didn't put up all this drama just to give me silence did you?"

She recieved her answer in form of being roughly thrown backwards by an invisible force while the figure stood stock-still, silently watching.

Unsteadily, Terra got back to her feet, her body aching where she was sure bruises were now forming their signature red and purple marks. She didn't feel scared now, she felt angry. No one ever treated her this way, especially when she had done nothing to deserve it.

"If all you're gonna do is prove that you've got tricks up your sleeve then--...." she didn't get to finish her sentence.

The Hooded Figure's eyes steadily began to blaze brighter and even more brighter until it resembled a fireball instead of an eyeball. The wind around picked up and flung discarded wrappers and dried leaves in every direction.

Terra was shoved a full two steps back before she defiantly planted her feet and crossed her arms. Where she'd gotten the courage to do that, she had no idea. Her sense of boldness however crumbled when she saw fire slowly erupt around the figure and illuminate its long fangs. This wasn't what she'd bargained for.


The word roughly found its way to Terra's ears before she was shoved halfway across the Park to land on her chest. Wheezing, she felt coppery liquid spill into her mouth together with the taste of fear before whole new emotion surged within her. One moment she was lying in pain across the Park, the next she was charging towards the Blazing Figure.

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