MH 20: Family

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Though not satisfied, one look at Xander's tired face had her nodding. The trio made their way out of the Theatre amidst the chaos and Terra couldn't help but wonder........

Where was Austin?


After the showcase, the pupils had been dismissed and were now having normal classes. Terra was having a hard time keeping up with Miss Graci rattling off equations and formulars. She was still mad that Marq won but more importantly, she was worried that Austin hadn't still showed up. She'd even checked on him in between classes but still found no trace of him. Xander was no real help either. She was still moping around and Cam was busy consoling her.

An hour till the close of the day and Austin was still missing. Now, Xander and Cam had joined in the search though Xander knew he was okay due to the twin telepathy they shared. They were stuck in Politics class when Mr Johnson, the principal's voice boomed over the speakers.

"Hello students, this is your principal speaking, all students present at the showcase earlier today are asked to urgently report back to the Musick Theatre now."

Terra looked back to where Cam and Xander were seated, a look of confusion on her face that read: What Now.

"Why do you think they called us back?" Terra finally voiced when the three of them were on their way to the Theatre.

"I dunno. To tell us stuff maybe?" Xander shrugged warily. "Oh c'mon Xander, what if they actually found out we're better than Clownface huh?" Terra asked, her eyes lit up with hope.

Cam only shrugged lightly. "It won't hurt to have hope."

They got to the Theatre to find it already filled up. It seemed like the students were eager to know what had triggered the sudden meeting. Few minutes later, the principal himself, a tall, muscled man with dark, greying hair, stepped unto the stage followed closely by Mrs Ivana in her green getup and... Marquitta Lore? It sure was her and her minions. Jake included.

The students began to murmur as they made their way center stage. "Silence!" The principal barked into the mic. He sure was not happy with whatever he wanted to say and for some reason, that caused Terra to smile.

"Five years ago," the principal began in a low but steely tone. "Green Mists High and four other schools came together and decided to create a program where teenagers could actualise their dreams out of the books. The DanceMusical gives highschoolers the opportunity to actualise their dreams through Music and Dance all the while keeping up a competitive spirit. The final showcase before the festival proper was held this morning and two groups were chosen out of strict fairness by the judges. I am very disappointed to tell you that one of those groups did not win the right way. While others gave themselves to hardwork and commitment, others thought they could cheat their way into it." He paused and signalled for Marquitta and her minions to move forward.

"To my uttamost disappointment, Marquitta Lore and her music group cheated their way into winning by hacking into the sound system and playing an original record all the while lip-synching onstage." A collective gasp was heard but Terra only smirked, she wouldn't put cheating past the Clownface.

"They are hereby disqualified from the DanceMusical and suspended for two weeks. Let this be a warning and a lesson for those who tried or may want to try this again in the future. Cheaters never go scott-free. I would now like to announce the rightful winners of the showcase........The Trio!"

Looks of confusion were exchanged throughout the Theatre. There hadn't been any group by that name who had performed earlier.

"Ahhh..." The principal actually smirked. "I think they prefer to call themselves Trinity!!!"

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