MH 29: Alive

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Chapter Song:
Alive ~ Sia


'I'm a survivor
I survived through time,
I'll survive this time.'

_Tophie Star_


"I was born in a thunderstorm, I grew up overnight, I played on, I played on my own but I survived; I wanted everything I never had,Like the love that comes with light, I wore envy and I hated that, But I survived............."

Her eyes were closed in blissful melody, her face lit with beauty and pleasure, her hands working rhythmically and in sync with the words that tumbled out of her mouth to produce that rare moment of a perfect melody.

Though her face was almost blank and peaceful, one could almost tell she was thinking and not necessarily pleasant thoughts. It showed glaringly in the way her hands gripped the sticks to painfully beat music out of the drums. She looked serene but on the inside, she was a raging tempest.

She'd been lost, she was found. She'd been a step too close to something worse than death but she'd survived. She had friends, she had a family. Something she never had before. She had risen.

The past few days had been a blur for her, like she'd been watching everything happen from a very muddy glass wall where nothing could reach her and she'd told them just that when they'd rescued her. Her troubled mind wandered back to that night when they'd been careful to quietly leave Cam's house without her Aunt noticing, not that the woman did notice. She'd slept like the dead through the night.

The ride home had been quiet. No one daring to speak. No one knowing what to say. Cam had stayed back at hers and Mitch had dropped Xander and Austin back at theirs claiming they --Austin especially-- needed rest and they would all meet the next day. Austin had gotten off reluctantly but only after giving her hand a gentle squeeze. She remembered the way the act had sent liquid fire spill up her arm and settle in her gut. At least that hadn't changed. Her hands gripped the drumsticks tighter as she continued singing softly;

"I had a one way ticket to a place where all the demons go, Where the wind don't change and nothing in the ground can ever grow, No hope just lies, And you're taught to cry into your pillow, But I survived;"

Her eyes tightly shut, her mind reeling.

"I'm still breathing,
I"m still breathing,
I'm still breathing,
I'm still breathing; I'm Alive.....
I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm Alive....."

When they'd gotten home, Mitch had proceeded to call off the search they'd apparently put in place for her while Marie had regarded her with uncertainty before engulfing her in a tight hug. She'd stiffened at first, not used to the sensation of being hugged or the warmth that emanated from the closeness. Slowly, her body released its rigidity and then, only then, had Terracia Lucy-Anne B'yush cried. She let the feelings weighing her down to spill down her eyes in rivers. She'd returned the hug then as she cried her heart out, the hurt, pain and hatred she'd felt for thirteen years because even then she'd remembered how Marie had stood in that room admist the storm and called out to her knowing fully well that she could also be lost if she--Lucy, as she'd called her-- hadn't answered and yet doing it anyway. Marie had also cried as she murmured apologies to her. Then she'd been so exhausted, she'd slept right there in Marie's arms and had woken up that morning in her bed, a smile on her face memories of the night before, how Marie had kissed her goodnight, still imprinted in her mind.

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