MH 34: Xander's Makeover

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After what felt like centuries of trying out cloths, shoes, bags, shades, jewelry and even a full make up kit, Xander finally announced.
"Lunch time!!" Which had Terra and Austin sighing in relief, their hands full of bags. Only Cam didn't seem to mind and Terra could only imagine how she got used to having Xander as a best friend since childhood.

"Let's cart these in the car, there's a restaurant close by where we can grab a quick lunch,"

"Thank heavens." Terra murmured under her share of bags.

"Before we go to the salon."
Xander added in a sing song.

"Wait. What?" Austin looked truly horrified. "But you just dyed your hair!" He protested, jabbing his fingers accusingly at her red curls.

"Tsk. Tsk. Not for me birdbrain, for Terra. I wasn't kidding when I said FULL makeover." Xander rolled her eyes.

"But I like my hair!" Terra protested.

"Wait until you see what Willa can make your raven locks into." Xander told her, patting her hair tenderly.

Sighing in resignation, Terra shrugged and dumped the bags in the boot of the Bentley now opened by Austin.

She'd been surprised when after getting dressed that morning, she got out to see a shiny black Bent sitting in front of the little yard of R29.

Then, Austin had explained that he hadn't wanted to risk his Ferrari to Xand's shopping so, the Bentley. When she asked if he had any other car she should know of, he'd simply given an offhand statement that there were fifteen more sitting in the garage. Her mouth had dropped open then until Cam had so mercifully closed it for her.

"I call shotgun!" Cam shouted as she sprinted to the front of the car only to be violently pulled back by Xander. "No, Terra does. Go on Terra." She gestured to the seat.

"Really, I don't mind..." But Xander was already dragging a confused looking Cam to the back seat.

"Are you coming or what?" Austin asked, revving the engine.

Terra simply shrugged. "Shotgun it is."


"I don't wanna do this," Anyone seeing her now, would think she was in a life and death situation that involved living and well, dying. She was shivering, sweat pouring down her back and drilling from her face as her feet stayed rooted to the front of the salon.

True to Xander's words, they'd come straight to the salon after lunch. It was there that Terra had suddenly developed cold feet.
"Come on honey, Willa doesn't bite." Xander assured her, leading the way to the salon.

Unable to utter a word, Terra shook her head violently. Sending tendrils of her hair loose from their signature ponytail.

"Why? Why don't you wanna go in?" Austin asked, taking her cold hand in his and ignoring the stares they got from the people walking along.

"I-i haven't e-ever... I d-don't..." she stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence from all her jittery nerves.

"Calm down Rainy, what is it?"

Taking deep breaths, Terra tried to steady her shaking hands and bring her increasing heart rate under control.

"I don't know, I've been okay until now. I guess I just realised that I haven't ever cut my hair. Like ever. What if I look hideous after cutting it off?" She rambled.

"You won't." He told her, smiling warmly. "Not because Xand says so but Willa is an excellent stylist. She does my mom's hairstyles and for most models in the country." He explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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