How he asked you out Pt 1

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Seth: You had just came up from NXT and you were trying to find your way around the place. You had just turned a corner and bumped into something hard. Your immediate thought was "stupid wall", until you looked up and noticed it was Seth Rollins.
"Shit, I'm so sorry"
"Nah, it's okay. I should've looked where I was going" you said while dusting yourself off.
"Well, I'd like to make it up to you, let me take you out to eat after the show"
"I'd like that very much"
At this point, you had completely forgotten where you were going.

Roman: You were on your phone, tweeting about how you had finally won the Women's Championship. Almost immediately you were getting mentions about how you and Roman could be the company's power couple. You had always thought that Roman was attractive and you may have had a slight crush on him, but you thought it would pass. That was nearly 6 months ago. You started to notice that your fans were tagging Roman in your mentions. Moments later Roman came knocking on your door.
"Its open!" you shouted.
Roman entered.
"Are you seeing these mentions on Twitter?" He asked.
"Yeah, they're getting out of control"
"I think we should give it a try" He said.
"You want to?" You asked.
"Yeah, I had feelings for you for a while and I figured that there would be no better time to ask you out than now."
"Well, I would love to."

Sami: Sami was your best friend in NXT. And you couldn't lie, you had a massive crush on him. Of course you had never acted on them because you felt as though the feeling would never be reciprocated. That is, until one day, your girl best friend Becky Lynch decided to throw a Christmas party, inviting everyone including Sami. You were having massive amounts of eggnog, which you didn't know had alcohol in, when Sami walked up to you.
"Hey, Sami" you slurred.
"Hey, Y/N"
You then realized that you two were underneath the mistletoe. You took this as an opportunity to give Sami a kiss.
"What was that for"
"We are underneath the mistletoe" you said, your slurring cleaning up.
"Oh, hey y/n"
"Would you maybe, wanna, um, do that again? But as a couple"
This came as a complete shock to you. THE Sami Zayn was asking you to be his girlfriend.
"That would be awesome." You stated.

Dean: You were walking with your best friend, Paige, telling her what the infamous Dean Ambrose did to you.
"Then he "accidentally" spilled the milk on my clothes"
"Maybe it was an accident"
"Yeah right, you should seen the smirk that was on his face"
You and Dean hated each other with a passion. You didn't do anything wrong. You simply asked Dean for directions to the locker room and he gave you this weird cold shoulder.
"Speak of the devil" Paige said.
You turned and saw Dean heading your way.
"Hi Paige"
" 'sup Dean"
"Hi Y/N"
"Can I talk to you for a sec" Dean said to you.
"Please" He gave you the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
You two walked off into a more secluded area.
"Why do you hate me?" Dean asked breaking the silence.
"I should be asking you that. Ever since I got here, you gave me this weird cold shoulder"
"Its because I like you" He mumbled.
You were completely shocked, but also extremely ecstatic at this new information.
"I like you too"
"Really?" He asked
"Yeah, I've felt that way for a long time actually"
"Well do you wanna come to my hotel room and watch a movie with me?"

John: It was pretty simple actually. You had been a fan of WWE for an extremely long time. You had finally made it to the main roster and you had bumped into him.
"Sorry" you mumbled. You had always been a little bit of a klutz.
"That's okay" he stated.
You were about to walk away when he stopped you.
"Listen, I know this may seem a bit straight forward, but would you like to go out with me?"
Your match was about to start and you were in a hurry.
"Yes, I would, but I gotta go" you said.
"What's your name?" he asked

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