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Seth: Simon Gotch. You think he's overly cocky. Sure Seth is, but he knows how to tone it down.

Dean: Chris Jericho. You hate it when he calls people “stupid idiots". You think he's one.

Roman: Triple H. After all the crap he put your boyfriend through of course there's gonna be some hard feelings.

John: Bray Wyatt: You think he's extremely creepy and he makes you sure uncomfortable, and you just can't be friends with someone who makes you uncomfortable.

Finn: Seth Rollins. You think he's simply cocky and arrogant and you simply can't stand him.

Sami: Rusev. You think that its unfair that he gets to disrespect America on live TV. You think he's very rude.

Samoa Joe: Enzo Amoré. You think he's overly hype and always talks and never acts. You think he let's Big Cass do all the work.

Enzo: Kevin Owens: You think that he's just overly rude and just a sore loser whenever he doesn't win a match.

Cass: AJ Styles. You think that since the club came together he's just been using Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to help him win matches that he knows he'll lose and you find that unfair.

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