Jason Jordan Catchup

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How He Asked You Out: You were walking around the arena, looking for your best friend Chad. You and Chad go way back to NXT, but you and Jason just met so you were still in that awkward stage. You tried your very best to be friendly with him but no matter what, he always seemed; standoffish. You finally find Chad in catering and he's with Jason. “Perfect" you think. You walk over to the two. “Hey Chad", “Hey Y/N". “Hey Jason", “Hello". You sigh. You just don't understand the problem. You like him a lot but the way he's acting is making you think he doesn't feel the same. “Chad, can I speak to Jason alone?" “Yeah, sure". You take a seat in front of Jason. “Jason, what's wrong? Do you not like me? I'm trying so hard to be friendly but you just keep brushing it off". “I do like you Y/N, more than I should, but I know that you don't see me that way." “But I do, but from the way you're acting, you're making it seem like you don't like me." “I do like you Y/N, so will you go out with me?" “See, was that so hard?"

Your guy best friend: Chad Gable (Ofc)

Your girl best friend:  Nia Jax

Your Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry

Your Fav PPV: Great Balls Of Fire

Your Fav Superstar of all Time: Kurt Angle

Your Fav Accomplishment: Him winning the Tag Titles with his best friend Chad Gable

What Annoys You: He can be a bit too “friendly" with the females backstage.

Superstar you dislike: Enzo Amoré, he can be a bit too rowdy and it gets annoying after a while.

Who you Face To Become Women's Champ: Alexa Bliss

Fav Diva of all time: Charlotte

Type of Dog He Gets You: Siberian husky

Who Said I Love You first: Him

What you guys dress as on Halloween: Zelda and Link

Favorite Wrestler Quote:  “Break the rules. Be a fighter. Any dream is possible if you are brave enough to do it your way" - AJ Lee

He wants you to move in with him: You and Jason were laying down in his couch when you brought up the subject. “Do you ever get lonely when I'm not here?" “All the time sweetheart. That's why I wanted to ask you to move in with me" You had to sit up. “Are you serious? You really want me to move in?" “Of course. I love you and it would be nice to come home and see your beautiful face."

Your Favorite Melanie Martinez Song: Dear, Porcupine.

Favorite Twenty Øne Piløts song: Johnny Boy

Favorite Youtuber: The Gabbie Show

Favorite TV Show: Catfish

Favorite My Chemical Romance Song:
The Ghost Of You

Favorite Panic!At the Disco Song: La Devotee

Favorite Superstar Theme: Seth Rollins

Favorite Women's Theme: Nia Jax

Favorite Teen Wolf Character: Kira. You were completely amazed when she first turned into the kitsune.

Favorite Movie Actress: Kate Upton

Favorite Cruiserweight: Akira Tozawa

What you Play in WWE: Face

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