Favorite Shameless Character

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(Idk if any of you guys watch Shameless but its one of my favorite TV shows of all time, besides Teen Wolf. But if you don't watch it, just skip over this chapter)

Seth: Lip Gallagher. You like how he tries to find different ways to help Fiona get money to pay the bills. Plus he's super smart.

Dean: Mickey Milkovich. They both had pretty destructive pasts but when they find something that they love (Dean; you, Mickey; Ian) they are willing to give their best to make them happy.

Roman: Frank Gallagher. You mainly like Frank because his character is hilarious but he does have his moments where he can be an asshole.

John: Sheila Jackson. At first you didn't like Sheila. You just thought she was weird and you didn't connect to her at all. But after a while you noticed her willingness to make sure everyone around her is happy and/or content , which is the same trait you have.

Sami: Fiona Gallagher. You connected with Fiona in a huge way. She always has to put others before herself, which is something that you tend to do, and you always need to be reminded to put yourself first some of the time, much like Fiona.

Finn: Carl Gallagher. You fell in love with Carl from the very beginning. You think he's funny and sweet when he wants to be. Although he went through that "gangster" phase, he overcame it and tried to make his life better.

Samoa Joe: Kevin Ball. Although Kevin doesn't play that much of an important part, he is still funny even though he can be kind of dumb.

Enzo: Mandy Milkovich. At first you didn't really like Mandy because she a but of a slut, but you began to like her because she wanted the best for Lip when she applied to the colleges. Although you don't condone her hitting Karen with a car.

Cass: Ian Gallagher: Ian is super sweet the majority of the time and he wants the best for his family. You also respect the fact that he wanted to enlist in the army and serve his country.

Jason: Veronica Fisher. You relate to Veronica on a lot of levels. You respect the fact that she is always wanting the best for Fiona, even when Fiona doesn't think she deserves it.

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