He Wants You To Move In With Him

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You are walking in the arena to meet Seth in his his locker room. You walk in and you hear him in the shower, so you decide to wait until he gets out to talk to him.

Seth: Hey, babe.
Y/n: Hey, are we going back to your place after the show?
Seth: Yeah. Um, Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Seth: Would you wanna, maybe, move in with me?
Y/n: Are you serious?
Seth: Um, yeah. I mean, you're over there a lot and I really like your company.
Y/n: Yeah, I'd love to move in with you Seth.
Seth: Great.

You and Dean were just lying down on the couch watching "The Walking Dead" when he bluntly asked you.

Dean: Hey, Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah, baby?
Dean: You wanna move here?
Y/n: Like here? In your house?
Dean: Er, um, yeah. I mean. You don't have to if you don't want to. But, um. I was just asking.
Y/n: No, no, no. I do. Yeah I wanna move here.
Dean: Okay. Good.

You and Roman were looking after his daughter for the next couple of weeks. You were at the swing set pushing her on the swing. You noticed that she had a piece of paper in her hand.

Y/n: What do you have there, Joelle?
Joelle: I made this for you Y/n.
Y/n: Aww, thank you so much.

You gave her a small hug and opened it. In crayon, she wrote "Will You Move In With Me?" You looked over at Roman, which whom had hopeful eyes.

Y/n: I would love to.

John wasn't feeling good, so you decided to be his personal nurse. Whatever he needed, you were sure to get it for him. The last thing he wanted for the day was for you to cuddle with him, but it was getting really late and you had to get home.

Y/n: John, I really need to get home.
John: No, I want you to stay here.
Y/n: I'll be back tomorrow.
John: No, I want you to live here, like, with me.
Y/n: Are you sure? I mean, you had a lot of medicine, I don't know if you really mean it.
John: No, I do. Really.
Y/n: Well okay, yeah. I'll move in.

John was already fast asleep, so you decided to just snuggle up against him, in your now new bed.

You and Sami have always been beach people. Every time you guys go into a new state, you always have to check the beaches. You and Sami were currently walking across the beach when you came across, what looked to be a pattern of rocks. To you, they seemed to spell out something. You let go of Sami's hand to get a closer look. You realized you were in fact correct and it spelled out "Move In With Me?" You looked over at Sami.

Y/n: Did you do this?
Sami: Um, yeah. I didn't know how to ask you, so I decided to write it out.
Y/n: Aww, Sami. Of course I'll move in with you.
Sami: Oh, thank God. I was afraid you'd say no.
Y/n: Why would I say no? I love you.
Sami: I love you, too.

You and Finn were in the park, trying to find the perfect place to have your picnic. You eventually found a great secluded area, and decided to have it there.  You and him rarely have this kind of opportunity so you guys talked about anything and everything.

Finn: You should move in with me, lass.
Y/n: What?
Finn: You should move in with me. I hate it when you sleep over one night and then you leave in the morning and leave a note. I hate when I just wake up in the morning and you're not next to me. I want you to live with me.
Y/n: I feel the same way too, Finn.
Finn: So, is that a yes?
Y/n: Definite, yes.

You guys then start talking about moving arrangements.

Samoa Joe
You were always bringing new stuff over to Joe's house. You were basically all moved in. It was only a matter of time before he noticed.

Joe: You have a lot of stuff here.
Y/n: Oh, um, yeah. I can bring them back to my house if its too much.
Joe: No, no. Its fine. You should move in. Since most of your stuff is already here.
Y/n: No, I don't wanna be a burden.
Joe: You're not. I want you to live here.
Y/n: Are you sure?
Joe: Positive.
Y/n: Well, okay. Sounds great.

You were driving to Cass' home so that you guys could hang out. When you walked in, you saw some of your items there.

Y/n: Cass?

Cass: Yeah, babe?

Y/n: Why is my stuff here?

Cass: Oh, you're living here.

Y/n: Is that so?

Cass: Yup.

Y/n: Well, since my stuff is already here... I might as well stay.

Cass: Yay!

You guys then started talking about all of the stuff that you were going to do while living there.


You guys were at a restaurant and your food had just been served to you. You opened up your napkin, and you noticed some handwriting on it. You picked it up and read aloud, "Will You Please Move In With Me?" You looked up at Enzo and nodded your head yes.

Y/n: Yes, I will

Enzo: Good, I already moved in your stuff. Haha.                                                                   

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