What Annoys You

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(Sami looks so adorable here XD)

Seth: His Arrogance. He's more cocky on TV, but that doesn't stop his constant cockiness when you guys are alone.

Roman: When he calls you “Shorty" You've always been very insecure about your height, and you hate when people call you “Short" or “Shorty". Especially Roman.

Dean: His recklessness. He's not as reckless as he portrays on TV, but he does do his fair share of drinking. Almost all the time when he comes home from the bar, you have to clean him up because he got into some form of fight.

John: He's a perfectionist. You understand that he wants to keep things neat and tidy, but sometimes he goes a bit too far. Not everything is going to be perfect and you wish he could understand that.

Sami: His snoring. He snores like a freight train. Even though he can't help it, you just wish he could be more quieter when he slept.

Finn: His messiness. He's always constantly leaving stray Lego's on the floor and you always have to clean it up. You love Finn, but you wish you didn't always have to put away his Lego's.

Samoa Joe: His smart mouth. You love his witty, sarcastic comments but sometimes it hurts your feelings. You don't show it but you definitely feel it.

Cass: When he rolls on top of you when you sleep. You can't support his weight and you feel like your being crushed. You have to try and push him off of you just to get air.

Enzo: He talks in his sleep. You are always the little spoon so he likes to rest his head on your shoulder. Unfortunately, he talks right in your ear and it keeps you up at night.

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