Fav WWE Superstar Of All Time

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Seth: Shawn Michaels. The Heartbreak kid is just so entertaining to watch.

Dean: Mick Foley. Dean reminds you of Mick bc of their hardcore behavior.

Roman: Jimmy Snuka. Roman is Samoan, and he's somewhat related to Jimmy Snuka.

Sami: Rey Mysterio. He is an amazing wrestler and your favorite Highflyer of all time.

John: Goldberg. Its Goldberg. That's all. Its literally Goldberg.

Finn: Steve Austin. You think he is one of the most humblest people you've ever met and he's also really funny, much like Finn.

Samoa Joe: Jeff Hardy. You just think he's an extreme person with the moves he does in wrestling. I mean, that amazing Swanton Bomb he did was amazing.

Enzo: Ultimate Warrior. They are both just so full of excitement and energy, you just can't get enough.

Cass: Andre the Giant. Mainly bc they are both giant freaks of nature, you think he is also a pretty good wrestler.

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