Favorite Teen Wolf Character

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Sorry, I've been on a brief hiatus. Just needed to get the creative juices flowing.

Seth: Theo Raeken. You don't know why, but you find him really attractive on the show. Seth always gets jealous when he sees you basically drooling over him.

Dean: Isaac. You always liked Isaac. You've liked him because of the horrible past he had, yet he still persevered through it all. In a way, he reminded you of you.

Roman: Malia. She has a temper, which you just so happened to have also. The main reason you started liking her is because Roman said that you remind him of her.

Finn: Stiles: You think he is the funniest, most entertaining person on the show. You love his sarcasm, and how he always has a witty comeback for everything. Plus, he's not bad looking either.

Sami: Scott. Scott reminded you of Sami. At first, they seem shy and they are kind of reserved, but if you get them angry, they can put up quite the fight.

Samoa Joe: Lydia. At first, you didn't like her. You didn't like how rude she was to Stiles and how she thought she was better than everyone else. But, once you saw her vulnerable and somewhat defeated, you realized that she's not as bad as you thought.

John: Allison. You automatically fell in love with her character. Her kind of happy- go- lucky attitude, but can turn into a badass at any given time. 

Cass: Melissa McCall. You love how motherly she is and how she supportive she is of Scott and how she's like a second mother to Stiles.

Enzo: Liam. You find him absolutely adorable and you love how he loves his friends and would do anything to make sure that they are safe and protected.

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