05- Rejected

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Kristal and I walked out of the room after we were completely dressed.

I wanted to hold her hand but I didn't know if she was going to be okay with that, and I didn't wanted to push it.

I was in such a good mood, I felt a lot better, I was...happy.

"What the fuck happened here?" I asked, looking around my apartment.

I couldn't even describe it, it was completely trashed.

"It was your birthday" Kristal chuckled at her own joke.

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised and shook my head, a small smile on my face.

Now I know why she's friends with Beau.

But, I love her anyways.

When we walked into the kitchen, we were greeted by everyone's curious eyes.

"Good morning" Kristal said, sitting down on the high stool, next to Luke.

"Shhh...why you gotta be so loud?" Beau groaned, both of his hands holding his head.

Chelsey placed her hand on his back.

"Good morning" Luke, Kiana, and Chelsey replied, sounding a lot better than Beau, but not as cheerful as always.

I stood in between Kiana and Luke, leaning closer to Luke,

"Did anything happened yesterday between Kristal and I?" I  quietly asked, so only he could hear.

He looked at me and laughed, shaking his head, "Nope" he simply said.

"Luke made a video, he recorded what I consider the most interesting part of the whole night" Beau said out of nowhere, smirking at Kiana.

"Stop!" Kiana whine, laughing, hiding her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"Let's watch it" I said, eager to know what happened between Kristal and I. I wanted to know if she said anything that maybe could make us happy...together, like it's supposed to be.

"You can watch it later with Kristal, we already watched it. Funny as fuck, but embarrassing as well, so I don't think we can watch it again" Luke kept rambling on, causing me to chuckle.

"You're all helping me clean this mess up, or no one's leaving" I said, half joking and half serious.

They all groaned and I laughed.

I, then, wanted to be closer to Kristal, like a always, so I stood in between her and Luke.

I tried grabbing her hand, but she quickly moved it away.

I frowned and looked at her. I hated the way that simple gesture made me feel, it broke my heart as I wasn't used to her rejecting me.

"Um, Chelsey went out to get breakfast while you were sleeping. Your food is in the microwave" Beau announced and I nodded.

I walked away from Kristal, still feeling a little down. My mood wasn't as good as earlier, but I felt better anyways, thinking about what happened hours later in the shower.

She said she still had feelings for me, that meant something.

I promised myself that I would try my hardest to win her back, she belongs with me.

Kristal and I ate breakfast in an awkward silence, it felt just like the beginning all over again, when I was scared to even talk to her, I was scared of her rejection. I didn't want to even remember those days.

After we were done eating, we all started cleaning up the apartment, which took a good, solid four hours.

We were all sitting down on the couch, relieved that the cleaning was done.

"I'm so tired" Luke said, dragging out the last letters.

Kristal stood up, causing us to look at her.

"Um, I think I should leave. I'll just call David. I have to pick up the kids" she said, avoiding my gaze.

Why was she treating me like I was a stranger all of the sudden?

"You don't have to call David. Kiana and I were leaving too anyways. I'll drop her off at her house and I'll drive you to mom's house, then we'll go to the apartment, okay?" Luke said standing up as well.

Kristal gave him a smile and nodded.

She walked into my room, and I would love it for her her to stay there as long as possible.

She walked out with her clothes, which we had found while cleaning, also her phone and purse in her hands.

Kiana and Luke hugged everyone goodbye, Kristal as well.

When she hugged me, I hugged her back, not wanting her to go.

"Are you okay?" I whispered so only she could hear me.

She nodded and I stared into her eyes, just thinking about how much I fucking love her.

She was gonna be death to me, and I didn't mind, at all.

I sneakily pecked her lips and she quickly backed away from me.

"Bye, Jai" she smiled, her cheeks tinted with a faint pink color.

I just watched her as she left.

"What's going on between you two?" Chelsey suddenly asked, snapping out of my trance.

I nervously gulped, "Nothing. What makes you think there's something going on between us?" I asked, as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Everybody saw that. The way you looked at each other, and you kissed her! Don't tell me there's nothing going on. Plus, what happened yesterday wasn't 'nothing' " she smirked and I looked down, trying to hide my blush.

"I'm gonna watch the video" I said walking away and grabbing my phone. Luke had sent me the video earlier, knowing I was eager to watch it.

"Jai, we're leaving!" Beau announced and I walked back into the living room.

I hugged him and Chelsey goodbye, "Don't wait too long, or you'll be too late" Chelsey whispered in my ear and I nodded, giving her a small smile.

They walked out of my apartment and I locked the door once they were gone.

I felt this feeling of loneliness, overwhelming me.

I went into my room and lied on the messy bed, burying my face in the side Kristal slept.

I moaned, her scent vaguely present.

At least now I know, I'll fall asleep easier tonight.

I missed her, anyways. I wanted her here, in my arms, her warmth enveloping me. That's what I needed, her caresses and kisses.

"Holy shit" I said as I watched the video.

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