08-Excitement? Or Nope?

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I sobbed my head buried in Beau's neck.

He ran his hands through my hair as he tried to calm me down, "Shh, everything's going to be okay" he kept saying over and over again.

"No, it's not. Jai and I didn't use a condom the first time we were together and years later, when our lives are still not completely made, we're not together and I think I'll be able to financially take care of another baby" I said through the tears and sobs.

"I do think you two are a little bit careless, but it's okay. At least, you two love each other. You need to find a job, you stopped working after the twins were born and that's not right. Did you tell him?" He asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice to speak without breaking.

"Like five minutes ago, as soon as David left and then that's when you came" I said, jumping when three knocks on the main door.

I turned to look at Beau with wide eyes, practically my whole was shaking.

I knew it was Jai.

Beau gave me a reassuring smile and stood up from the neatly made bed, leaving me by myself as I watched him walk out of the room.

I heard him opening the door and instantly I heard a frantic Jai, "Where is she?" He asked, sounding desperately, almost panicked.

Jai burst into my room and got in bed with me, hugging me tightly.

I let out a breath I didn't realizing I was holding in the first place, feeling comfort in his arms.

"Are we having a baby?" Jai asked, looking into my eyes. The smell of alcohol smacked me in the face and I frowned. That's when I took in his appearance. His hair was messy, his shirt was wrinkled, and the first buttons where unbuttoned, "Where were you?" I asked suspiciously, feeling my jealousy kicking in and he looked down, "We'll talk about it later. Are we really having a baby?" He repeated.

His hands were on each side of my face, his eyes were crystallized and filled with so much hope.

Our breathing irregular, tears streamed down my already tear-stained cheeks.

"I-I don't know, but Jai, we've had sex multiple times and you didn't use a condom once" I said, not feeling good.

He smiled, "So, there's a big chance that we're having another baby?" He asked, his smile almost reaching his eyes, his words dripping with excitement.

I nodded as I cried, and I leaned forward, resting my head against his chest.

Her ran his hands through my hair before speaking, "Baby, why are you crying?" He asked, more like cooed.

"Because I might be pregnant" I cried.

Jai stopped running his hands through my hair and slightly pushed me away from him, making me feel cold on the inside.

"And that's a bad thing? Don't you want to have another baby with me?" He asked, his voice sounding now sad and confused.

I looked up at him, seeing a single tear streaming down his face.

Please don't cry, it kills me.

"It's not that, it's just-" I started, but he cut me off, his voice louder than I expected.

"Why? Is it because of David? Did you fall in love with him and now you want to have a family with him?" He asked, his nostrils flaring as his eyes squinted and he glared at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I barely have something with David and Jai's talking about having a baby with David?

"Jai, what are you talking about? This has nothing to do with him" I said, feeling myself getting angrier and angrier.

"Of course it does! It has everything to do with him!" He yelled, and I scoffed.

"No, it doesn't!" I yelled as well.

"Then, what's the problem?!" He asked, our yelling getting even louder, if possible.

"I don't want to have a baby with you!" I yelled, instantly regretting it.

I t wasn't true at all, I didn't mean that, it just slipped out.

His face changed, showing sadness and hurt for a second, but seconds later, his face hardened once again.

"Oh okay. I get it. I mean it's not like you love me or anything. If there is a baby, it probably isn't mine anyway" he spat out and walked away.

Leaving me with my broken heart as I cried.

I just fuck everything up, that's my special talent.

"I'm sorry, Jai. Come back" I whimpered, hoping he'd come back, but all I heard was a,
"What the fuck happened in there?" Beau asked, but there was no response.

I heard the sound of the door slamming, and Beau walked into the room as soon as Jai left.

I just buried myself under the duvet, trying to hide from everything, from the feelings, from the pain, trying to hide away from reality.

"Kristal?" Beau softly asked, placing his hand on my 'hidden' back and I just sobbed, my body violently shaking.

"P-P-Please leave. Thank you so much for everything, but I need some alone time" I whispered, feeling to broken to even speak.

"I can't leave you by yourself in this state...please, let me help you" He said, sounding worried.

"Beau, please" I managed to get out.

Beau sighed and I felt him standing up.

I heard the door opening and closing again and I just hugged my pillow, hoping that this horrible feeling would just go away.

Moments later, the door opened once again and I suspected it was Luke.

And I was right.

"Kristal?" I heard him asking, I wasn't crying as hard, but I was constantly sobbing and sniffing.

I uncovered my face and he gave me a look that I absolutely hated, pity.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head.

He walked towards me, and cuddled with me.

It just made me sentimental again, fresh tears streaming down my face. My eyes hurt so bad, but I couldn't stop the tears.

"I said something really harsh, something I didn't even mean. I was just so mad. I love him so much and if there was a chance of us getting back together, it's not there anymore" I whispered and Luke hugged me tighter.

I know this is really boring, sorry :/

Anywayssss, thank you so much for all the comments and votes! It honestly motivates me to keep writing :)

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