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I stared at the entrance of Starbucks, waiting for her to walk out.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out of my back pocket to look who was trying to reach me.

I read Jai's name on the screen, but it was a text,

'Where are you? I woke up and you weren't here. Are you okay? Please call me, I love you'

I smiled and replied saying I just went for a walk to clear my mind, that I'd call him soon, and that I love him too.

"Well, well, well....I never thought you'd want to see me again. Who has you smiling, I'm certain that it isn't Jai, maybe his brother?" I heard a familiar voice that annoyed me as soon as she started talking.

I looked up and held back my frown, along with the many things I wanted to say. Instead, I gave her a smile. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

"Hi, Amelie. I'd say it's good to see you, but I'd be lying. Not that it is any of your business, but I was actually talking to Jai, and nope I have nothing to do with Luke" I calmly said and she glared at me, but cleared her throat and briefly looked away before looking back at me with an emotionless expression.

"I heard you were with Luke, under the sheets. I mean, it's not like it is the first time, plus, I get it, two brothers, incredibly hot and sweet, and why be with one when you can have both? I really tried staying away from Jai, but he just wouldn't leave me alone. I respected the fact that he was with you, I didn't want anything with Jai, he just came onto me" she said, a small smirk on her lips.

I clenched my jaw, restraining myself from slapping off the stupid smirk off her face.

Fucking liar.

"Don't worry about it. I don't care about it anymore. Jai and I are happily together with our two kids" I said genuinely smiling at the thought of my family.

"Are you really? He cheated on you once, what makes you think he won't do it again? What if he has been lying to you this whole time? Maybe you're doing the same thing to him" she said shrugging and I laughed, humorlessly.

"Oh, trust me. I know he isn't, and I'm not with anyone else, I don't like being the used one" I said, flashing her a fake smile.

"Is that so?" She laughed and I nodded, not saying anything.

"Gotta be careful, some people turn crazy after going through something tough, like what happened to you..." She trailed off, looking at me with 'sympathy'.

"And you would know a lot about that, wouldn't you? I didn't went through a whole lot, to be honest. I already forgave Jai, and that's what happened. By the way, you seem awfully interested in my life" I said acting confused.

She rolled her eyes, "Well, I'm not. And sweetie, your boyfriend cheated on you with a hot girl just before your babies were born, you felt lonely, insecure, and didn't know what to do, so you went to his brother. Oh, let's not forget the most important thing, you love him, so you couldn't stay away, you couldn't move on" she said and I have to admit it was kind of scary and creepy how much she knew. How does she even know this?  Most of this stuff is emotional stuff that I felt so there's no why she could've known how I felt.

time after time; jai brooks Where stories live. Discover now