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I froze. I could hear my fast heartbeat as he stared at me with those wide, watery eyes.

It broke my heart seeing his eyes filled with pain, and betrayal.

At this moment, I knew that once again, everything was fucked.

"Answer me!" He yelled and I flinched at his tone.

I felt Aiden's grip tightening around my hand.

"Jai, we can't talk about this right now" I said, referring to Aiden's presence.

Jai looked at Aiden and his eyes softened.

"I need to...go" he said walking past Aiden and I, out of the house.

I turned to look at Luke and he was looking at the floor.

I scoffed and shook my head, before kneeling down, "Stay with uncle Luke, I'll be right back" I said to Aiden, planting a kiss on his forehead.

He nodded and ran to Luke, whom picked him up, not looking at me once.

I ran out of the apartment, hoping I'd catch up with Jai.

I grabbed his wrist once I was close enough to him and turned him around.

"Please Jai" I begged, my voice breaking.

He removed his wrist from my hand and sighed, running his hands through his messy hair.

"Why?" He quietly asked, almost whispering. Is he seriously asking why?

"I already know why, don't answer that. I mean, why Luke? My twin brother?" He said, frowning as he stared at me with disbelief.

I looked down, feeling ashamed of myself.

"Jai, I was feeling lonely. I needed someone, I needed to feel like I was good enough for someone. After what happened, I thought there was something wrong with me. I tried to think of an explanation of why you had done it. And Luke was there, Luke was the closest thing I had to you" I spoke, every word dripping with honesty.

"And you went to Luke? I was feeling lonely too, I also needed someone. I needed you, but I didn't have you at the time, but that doesn't mean I slept with someone else" he said and I looked down, knowing he was right.

I know I shouldn't have done it, but it had been so long, I couldn't help myself.

He placed his hands on my cheek, causing me to look up and I was hoping he'd kiss me and tell everything was going to be okay, but that wasn't what happened.

He hugged me, rather tightly, almost like it was the last time and he was letting me go.

I hugged him back even tighter, inhaling his exquisite and familiar scent, burying my face in between his neck and shoulder.

"I get it" I mumbled against his skin.

He pulled away from me and looked at me with confusion, "What?" He asked.

"You're giving up on me...?" I said, but it came out like a question.

He gave me a soft smile and shook his head, "Of course not. I love you, so much. We weren't together when the thing with Luke happened. It just makes me mad and it worries me. I'm jealous because you're mine and only mine. You're close with Luke and I just don't know if we could ever get over it. He's my brother, so we practically see him everyday, it isn't like we can just stop ignore him and never see him again. I was about to take off and just give up, but one hug it's all of took for me to realize how much you mean to me. I can't let you go, I've hurt you so many times and you've forgiving me so many times. You gave me another chance and I can't waste it. Let's just forget about it and move on. We can do it" he said, taking me off guard.

I wasn't expecting that, but I wasn't complaining.

"Of course we can. I love you" I replied, and he planted a kiss on forehead.

"I love you too. I'm still mad and hurt. Out of everyone it had to be him? You had me, you know I was there anytime. You just had to call me and I would've been there in less than a minute. And not only that, but it went on for months and you never told me about it, even after it was over" he said, going back to the topic we were supposed to move on from. This right here is the problem, we keep going back to the past.

"Back to you? I had to stay away from you, that's the whole problem here" I said and he stayed quiet.

"I'll just go take a walk, okay?" He said, turning around.

"Wait, Jai" I called him before he kept walking.

He turned around and looked at me with raised eyebrows, "Yeah?" He said and I sighed.

"Please, be careful" I slowly said, hoping he'd know what I was talking about.

Be rolled his eyes, "I won't drink, mom" he said, turning back around and kept walking.

That fucking attitude of his is gonna get him in so much trouble.

I turned around and walked into the apartment.

I closed the front door and locked it, a pair of short arms wrapping around my thighs.

I looked down and saw a smiling Aiden.

I smiled as well, not being able to help it since his smile was so contagious. My precious prince.

"Where's daddy?" His cute, quiet voice asked and I gave him a smile.

"He went out" I simply said, not know what to say.

"Is he coming back?" He asked and I nodded, "Of course he is" I smiled and he gave me an even brighter smile.

"Can you wait for me in your room?" I asked and he nodded, walking away.

"Luke" I sighed, trying to hold my anger back.

He slowly looked up, meeting my gaze.

"You told him?! You fucking told him? I told you I wanted to tell him, the guilt was eating me alive, but you made me promise I wouldn't tell him, so I didn't, but you did?" I asked with disbelief, feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't really tell him, I was talking to him about something that happened with Kiana, I didn't say your name, but I guess I was too obvious, I'm really sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen" he said, giving me guilt-filled eyes, scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed, hugged him, and he hugged me even tighter.

I know it wasn't his fault, he had actually told me what had happened with Kiana over text message, and I know he really likes her.

"It's okay, I mean, it's not okay, but...yeah" I trailed off, not knowing where I was going with this.

He chuckled and we pulled away from the hug.

"I'm picking your daughter up from Beau's place, do you want to come with me?" He asked and I nodded, going into the kids' room and looked for Aiden, telling him we were leaving.

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