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Q; Are you guys seeing the boys on tour? If so, where?

I'm meeting them the 24th of sept. They're coming to Florida, yass..

Ok, I'll let you read, enjoy...


I grimaced, flushing the toilet, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

Thankfully, Jai was holding my hair up, soothingly rubbing my back.

"I...think I'm done" I croaked out, and Jai helped me up, securely holding me.

I once again, flushed the toilet just in case and walked towards the sink to brush my teeth and get rid of anything that could be lingering in my mouth.

I stumbled, feeling dizzy and Jai's grip around my waist tighten, "Let's go to bed so you can lay down" Jai whispered and walked me to the unmade bed, and I laid down, Jai following shortly after.

He pulled me into him and I hid my face in his neck, wrapping my arms around him. This is the only thing I don't like about being pregnant, the painful and not so pretty part, but it was all worth it.
So I accepted it.

Jai ran his hands through my hair and I closed my eyes, enjoying every caress he gave me.

"Jai, I love you, I love our kids, I love our unborn baby, and I do want to have a big family with you, but we have to do everything at its own timing. We have to settle down and sort everything out first" I said, recognizing how irresponsible I had being at the time of having intimacy with Jai.

Jai sighed, and I felt his chest vibrating as he spoke, "I know, you're right. We both have been so careless" he said, agreeing with me.

"When are we telling your mom?" I asked, my eyes closed as I let my hand travel freely in the skin of his hip, my fingers slipping under the waistband of his short occasionally and then slipping back out, not in a sexual way. I just let my fingers dance around his soft and warm skin, caressing him.

"Umm, I don't know. I kind of changed my mind, I want it to be a surprise, but if you want to tell her, we can" he said and I smiled, shaking my head, muttering a quiet, "It's okay."

The peace was shortly interrupted when two little monsters burst through the door, getting in bed with Jai and I, giggling as they jumped around.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Aiden excitedly repeated over and over again as he jumped on the bed, like it was Christmas and he wanted to open his presents.

"Why?" I playfully groaned and closed my eyes, "I think I'm going back to sleep" I falsely yawned and closed my eyes.

"No!" Layla squealed and jumped on top of me, making me groan, but I kept my eyes closed.

She placed her soft, tiny, and cold hand on my cheeks before she tried to open my eyes with her fingers.

I held back my laughter, and when she saw it wasn't working, she huffed and literally poked my eyes.

"Ow!" I said, opening my eyes and Jai quickly got Layla off of me.

I gave him a look, telling him I was okay and the worried features on his face relaxed.

"I can't see, I think I'm blind" I lied and felt around the bed with my hand.

I covered my face with my hands and falsely sobbed.

"See, now mami can't see" I heard Jai saying to Layla and she gasped.

I felt her arms wrapping around me in a hug, "Mami, I'm sorry" I heard her whispering, her voice quiet and breaking.

I looked up and her big eyes were watered, her bottom lip trembled as she pouted, she was about to cry.

My heart warmed and chartered at the sight, I hugged her and started kissing all over her face.

She giggled and tried getting away from me, but failed miserably.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm okay, I was just playing" I said to her once I stopped kissing her chubby cheeks.

She nodded and rested her head in my chest, and I ran my hands through her soft, dark locks.

I looked at Jai and he was looking at us with adoration, Aiden on his lap, as he also looked at us with wide eyes.

"Anyways, why did you want us to wake up?" Jai asked and Aiden got up, jumping all over the bed again.

"We're starving! If we don't eat we're going to die" he exaggerated and I laughed, getting up, carrying Layla in my arms.

I walked out of the room and Layla started wiggling around, telling me to put her down and I did, as I kept walking towards the kitchen.

I took out a couple of pans, and the food I was going to need to make breakfast.

Suddenly, two arms wrapped around me from behind and I slightly jumped, but smiled shortly after.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Jai's neck, pulling him closer to me and uniting our lips in a sweet kiss, filled with love and adoration.

"I love you so much" Jai whispered against my lips, going for another kiss, causing me to smile against his lips.

"Let's wake up uncle Luke" I heard Aiden 'whispering' and I laughed pulling away from Jai.

I was about to walk into the dining room, where the kids currently were, to stop them, but Jai grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Poor Luke.

A cute, short chapter.

I just didn't want to leave with without anything, so I wrote this filler.

I already have an idea of what I'm writing next, but I need you guys to be patient, school started, I have to update my other stories, and I have to finish the present I'm making for the boys😈☺️


Thank you!

time after time; jai brooks Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora