16-Bitch slap

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This story doesn't get many comments and I'm sorry if I sound ungrateful or something, but the truth is that the comments are what really keep me going...



"Don't you give up, nah, nah, nah I won't give up, nah, nah, nah, let me love you, let me love you!" I sang, more like yelled, along the lyrics of Justin Bieber's new song, stirring the sauce I was making for today's dinner as the kids were on the backyard with Jai.

Three loud knocks were heard from the front door and I frowned at how persistent they sounded.

I turned off the stove and walked towards the main door, opening the door.

I smiled when I saw Kiana standing there, my smile fell when I saw the look on her face.

"Are you oka-" I was cut off by her, pushing me, causing me to gasp.

I stumbled back, but once I was stable, I frowned, "What the hell? What's wrong?" I asked, confused as to why she did that.

"You're a fucking whore. I thought you were my friend" she said, and I heard the anger and pain in her voice.

I heard heavy footsteps coming from behind and I knew it was Jai.

He came from behind me and placed his hand on my hips.

"Hey, Kiana. I didn't know you were coming today" Jai politely said, unaware of Kiana's bad mood.

"Did you know that your beautiful and perfect girlfriend is fucking Luke behind your back? Those kids probably aren't even yours" she said and I nervously gulped, feeling pain at her words.

"Kiana, I'm not sleeping with Luke" I said, trying to stay calm. Holding back my Latina side. I didn't want to fight with her, I consider her my friend.

"And you're also a fucking lier. Luke told me about what happened between you two, but he never mentioned any names. He told me about the threesome and about being with someone for a couple of months after he found out his previous girlfriend had been cheating on him. I found out it was you from someone else" she said, glaring at me and I could feel the hate and anger radiating off of her body.

"Kiana, you got it all wrong. Kristal wasn't with Luke. You seriously believed whoever told you this?" Jai asked and I mentally thanked him for having my back. He was lying for me, he was protecting me from something I had done, something that had deeply hurt him, yet here he was, his arms securely wrapped around my waist as he lied for me.

"First of all, that person was the only person that actually mentioned a name. Why would Luke not tell me her name if it was someone I didn't know? Besides, I saw it with my own eyes. There are pictures" she said, walking closer to us and at that moment I felt my heart stopping.

Someone had taken pictures of Luke and I while we were in plain act? Who would do this?

"Kiana, please stop. Go home" Jai said, sounding calm, but I was completely frozen, my mind going crazy with thoughts.

"Jai, stop defending her! She cheated on you, she was with your brother! How can you stay with her and defend her? Does anyone actually see how fucked up she is?!" She raised her voice, her eyes filling with tears.

It pained me to see one of my friends like this, but what if it was true? What if what she's saying is true?

"She didn't cheated on me, we weren't together. I cheated on her!" Jai suddenly exploded, almost like he had been waiting to let that out.

"It happened before you came along which means that whatever happened between them is none of your fucking business" Jai added, this time not as loud, but still angry.

"Why is she so special?! Does she have a golden pussy or something? She's wrong, but I know why you're defending her, but why is Luke defending her? Why did he choose her over me? I bet he's in love with her as well, but why? She's just a slut!" Kiana loudly said, tears streaming down my face and next thing I knew her hand made contact with my cheek, the smacking sound echoing.

My head turned to the side due to the force of the slap, a frown on my face.

I clenched my jaw and I was about to throw myself at her and fucking punch her, but Jai held me back.

I heard him yelling at Kiana, even insulting her, telling her to go, but I didn't pay attention to anything he said.

Her words hurt me, but I didn't let it affect me since I knew she was hurting, but something just went off inside of me. I think I was more mad at myself than anything and I needed someone to take my anger out on.

Jai slammed the door close and hugged me close to him in a tight embrace, making it impossible to move, not that I wanted to,

I sobbed as Jai held me close to him. I don't regret what happened with Luke, but maybe I do regret with whom it happened, it just fucked all of us up.

Jai ran his hands up and down my back, soothing me and kissed the side of my head, "Don't listen to her, Kristal. You're not anything she said, okay? Please don't let her get to you" Jai whispered and I heard soft knocks on the door and I tensed.

"Stay there" Jai whispered and walked away from me, opening the door.

"Where's Kristal?" I heard Luke asking and I saw how he walked past Jai and came towards me, hugging me.

"I'm so sorry, Kristal. No one was supposed to find out, but they did and it's my fault. I should've kept my mouth closed" he said hugging me tighter and I gladly returned the hug.

"Why'd you choose her over me? She thinks you're in love with me but I know that's not it" I quietly spoke, pulling away and staring into his eyes, just so I could see any emotions his eyes would show.

"Because you always come first. You're my best friend and you were here before her. Even if I love her, you come first. You don't even know how important you are in my life, you taught me things, you supported me, you helped me, you're just always there for me" he said and I hugged him once again, as tight as I could.

"Oh- and what about those pictures she talked about? Who told her it was me?" I asked, slowly pulling away from him, but I still felt him tensing.

"Guess who? It was fucking Amelie. She turned out to be a psycho bitch that has been stalking us. She took pictures of us while we were fucking! She wants to make our lives miserable"

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