19-Puerto Rico

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A/N; I hope you guys don't mind I picked Puerto Rico :) also, there's a lot of Spanish, but it's all translated.

I hope you like this chapter and please comment and vote!

As we walked down the hallway, I couldn't help the smile on my face.

We're already here!

When Jai told me he was taking us to my hometown, I got so happy and kissed the life out of him. I was so excited to see my family and go back to see my people, the cultures I grew up with.

My chest filled with warmth when all I heard was loud people speaking Spanish.

I looked at Jai and kissed his cheek repeatedly, "Thank you so much for this, baby" I whispered, looking into his eyes so he'd know how much I appreciate what he did for me.

"No problem, mi vida" he tried speaking Spanish and even thought he had an accent, it was so cute.

"Kristal!" I heard a familiar voice yelling and I turned around, looking around.

I gasped when I saw my family standing a couple of feet away from me and Jai, smiles on their faces.

I ran towards them and hugged each one of them as tight as I could, my eyes watering. 

"Los extrañe tanto" (i missed you all so much)-I almost sobbed, feeling like I was about to explode with so many emotions right now.

"Nosotros a ti, muñeca" (we missed you, doll)-my aunt replied, holding my hand tightly.

I felt someone coming from behind and wrapping their arms around my waist securely.

"Hola" Jai said and we chuckled.

It was going to be a little difficult for him to communicate with my family since they don't speak english, but I'll make sure to translate whatever he needs to know.

"Jai, I love you so much. Thank you, thank you! How'd you talk to them?" I asked and quickly pecked his lips.

"Chelsey helped me" he smiled and I nodded.

I introduced Jai to my family, and they loved him, my grandma even said he was cute.

"Se van a quedar con nosotros o se van a quedar en un hotel?" (Are you staying with us or are you staying at a hotel?)- my aunt asked and I looked at Jai.

"Where are we staying?" I asked him and he took his phone out of his back pocket.

"Well, I thought about staying at a hotel in...San Juan...?" He tried pronouncing the name of the capital and I felt my heart flattering at how he was trying to understand my culture and it just meant a lot to me that he was trying.

"But, if you want to stay with your family, we can" he said, giving me a smile and I shook my head.

As much as I loved my family, I came here to spend time with Jai and have some alone time with him.

"No, it's okay. Let's stay at the hotel, we'll have more privacy there" I smirked and he looked at me with raised eyebrows before nodding, a chuckle escaping his lips.

I turned to my aunt, "Nos vamos a quedar en un hotel" (we're staying at a hotel)- I simply said and they nodded.

"¿Quieren ir a comer? Podemos hablar sobre los niños, además, podemos conocer al gringo de tu novio" (Do you guys want to come eat? We can talk about the kids, besides, we can get to know the gringo of your boyfriend)- my grandma said and I laughed, shaking my head.

time after time; jai brooks Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant