Chapter Three

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I've been having a terrible day so I decided to write and get my mind off of it. Also I'm going to give you guys some of what's been going on with Marcel so you wont be so confused:) -K



        It's been two weeks since I told Leeroy everything. He practically ripped it out of me but I guess it was going to happen sometime. I haven't really had a full conversation with him yet because he probably hates me now. Who wouldn't? Some loser new kid who has the worst past.

        Everyday I've dealt with Louis and Zayn. Everyday they've pushed me into lockers or tripped me, call me every name you could think of. Is it sad to say I'm getting used to it? I think they make it their life mission to attack me every chance they get. I don't understand how someone can go around hurting people purposely like that. It’s a terrible thing to do. I kind of deserve it in a way, you know?

"Marcel!" Leeroy yelled as I walked out of my house on my way to school. I turned around to face him and he gave me a face splitting grin.


"Can I walk with you to school?"

"I-I guess. But, why?" I asked, sincerely.

"Why not?" He looked confused.

"Shouldn't you hate me now? Tell me how bad of a person I am?" He sighed and looked right into my eyes.

"Marce, you’re not a bad person, at all. It wasn't your fault. Why don't you see that?"

"Because it was my fault! Every last bit of it! The same week, Leeroy, the same week!"


"Can we just go?" He gave me a slight nod, and we walked in silence to our awful school. I've been here four weeks and I hate every last bit of it. Well, besides the music room. That's the best place in this town.

"Hey." I froze hearing that voice. Please not now. Please not now. I turned around to face those blue eyes that were full of hatred.

"H-Hi Louis." I stated.

"You two are pretty fucking cozy, yeah?"

"We’re best friends. Shut up and just go away for once." Leeroy butted in.

"Feisty. I actually came here to talk to Marcel." The pure shock of confusion showed, not only on my face, but on Leeroy's too. He went to grab my forearm but I flinched away. I can’t get beat up before school, I won’t be able to hide it. A look of regret passed his eyes? Im- fucking- possible. "I'm not going to hurt you. Please?" He's high. He's on bad drugs. This is not Louis… but I went.

"What?" I asked, when we finally got to the football field. He just stood there looking at me for a while. It was quite uncomfortable and I started fidgeting.

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now