Chapter Twenty-Four

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       The knocking on the door became obnoxious, so I decided to get out of bed and attempt to hobble down the stairs, pissed, might I add.

"What?" I yelled as I threw open the door.

"Look, Marce, I know you're pissed at me but I really didn't mean to almost kiss him. I swear that it was a just in the moment thing. I guess I kind of grew feelings but-"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked. Now, I'm pissed, shocked, and a bit upset.

"He didn't tell you?" His eyes grew wide and his mouth hung low.

"Babe, why did y-" I turned around and saw my boyfriend's eyes go wide. I started to laugh, not even really meaning to, but I laugh.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you two had something going on and then you come back here and fuck me?" More laughing. "Is this a joke? Is that all I was, Just a fuck because you were wanting my brother?"

"No, He-"

"You shut up." I pointed at Harry. "Go ahead and tell me, Louis." I didn't allow him to break eye contact with me.

"No, I swear to god that last night meant everything to me." Then it clicked.

"Is that why you came back? You came back because you felt the same way about Harry as he just fully admitted that he felt about you." His eyes quickly glanced over at Harry and I knew.

"You know, I thought you were bad before. I thought you hurt me before, but fuck, this is bad. You just- That was my first time and I thought it was with a person that loved me, but you obviously don’t. You- You're- fuck you." This is not funny anymore. This...

"No, I love you. Marcel, let me explain, please just." Then he stopped.

"You two deserve each other. Get out." I sneer, before running up the stairs. Well, trying to do the best I can with the pain that was shooting from my back area. I dialed the first number I could think of.

"Hello?" His sleepy voice rung through the speaker.

"Lee, p-lease, please come o-over. I n-need you." I stuttered into the phone. This isn't happening.

"Hey, calm down. I'll be right over." He replied, and I heard shuffling before a door close. "I'm almost there." I hung up after he said that.

        I brought my knees up to my chest and reality hit. I didn't even try to stop the sob from leaving my lips. Harry's better than you.

 "I'm here." I heard him before I saw him. But I knew that when arms went around me, they were his. "Tell me what's wrong." And I did, through stutters and sobs, I told him everything. I told him from the moment I found out Harry was alive, to the moment he came and spent two weeks, up to the fight down stairs. And he held me and made sure I stayed calm through it all. "Do you want my opinion?"

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