Chapter Six

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"Did you actually think I cared about you?" Stay strong, Marcel. This is what they want, they want you to be humiliated, hurt. Don't show them you're weak.

"How did I not know? Actually, I did. I shouldn't have trusted you." I said, hoping that I sounded confident.

"Are you going to go cry now, Marcey?" Zayn tormented. I gave him the best smile I could do at the moment.

"No, The sad thing is...” I started, looking right into Louis' eyes, “That you could still do this after everything I told you, everything I've been through. You're heartless, and I'm actually happy I don't have to spend another day with a black hole like you." I wanted to walk away at that moment, scared that my front was going to drop, scared that they could see right through me.

"What did you just say?" Zayn spat, moving closer.

"This isn't humiliation, Zayn. It's sad that all of you are this cruel. What happened that was so bad to make you this way? Is it fun going around and ripping people's hearts out? Tearing them down? Making them hate every inch of themselves? I'm pretty sure that if someone else did this to one of your friends, you would hate them; make them wish they never did it. What's the difference? You got it now. You're all big and bad because you crushed the new kid. Well, I hope you guys have a great life." I went to turn away, but then I needed to say something else. "Just do me a favor, yeah? Leave me alone."

        That was it. I walked off, and didn't turn back to see the look on their faces. I was humiliated, but I wasn't going to show it. I felt the same exact way I did the day I got told James jumped off that bridge. I don't get it; I haven't even known him that long.

        After I had gotten far enough that they couldn't be following me, or trying to catch up, I ran. I didn't want to be anywhere near any of them again. I didn't want to ever see that smirking look on their faces, or the way Zayn just didn't give a fuck that they just tore what was left of my heart out. I felt drawn to him, like I needed him.

        I gotten into my car and sped home as fast as I could with a blurry vision. I didn't want to do it, break down before I even got to the safe environment of my bedroom. When I pulled up, Leeroy was sitting on the steps looking frantic. Did he know? Did he know and not tell me?


"Did you fucking know?" I cut him off. He shook his head.

"No, not until just a couple minutes ago when Niall told me. He said he didn't go, that he never wanted any part of it. He tried to stop them, Marcel. I'm so sorry." He pulled me into his arms and I stiffened at first. Then I let go and cried into his shoulder.

"I don't get it, Leeroy. How could I already care about him so much? I-I didn't want to. I told him everything and he still hurt me. H-he kissed me and told me he cared too. I'm so stupid, so, so stupid." I wailed.

"No you're not. You cared because he made you believe that he was something that he's not. I will help you get through this."

"I don't know if I can. I feel the exact same way as I did when James died, Leeroy, already!"

"You will." He stated, determined. He pulled away and held me at my shoulders. "You will get through this and you will move on."

        I nodded at his words, even if I didn't believe it. I wanted to try and believe that he could help me and was telling the truth. I walked inside and I looked around. I realized how much I don't belong here, not just in this house, but in this town. This is not a home, this is just a place.

"Let’s go somewhere." Leeroy piped up.

"I-" I was cut off by someone knocking on the door. My heart stopped and my breath got caught in my throat. What if it’s Louis? What am I supposed to say? What if I can’t act strong anymore?

"Hey, Niall." I heard Leeroy say. I physically relaxed, and I walked to the door to greet him.

"Marcel, how are you?" He asked, genuinely concerned. He didn't even know me, or my story, yet, he's still here asking. I gave him a small, forced smile.

"I'm okay, but I've had better days."

"I tried to stop them, but when I couldn't, I called Lee hoping that he could stop you. We were too late and I just-" He cut himself off and stared blankly at the wall beside my head.

"It's alright, Niall, I trust that you did your best. Want to come in? We were just about to watch a film." I asked, knowing Leeroy wanted us to go out. I know he wanted to distract me from this pain, but I needed to face it sometime.

"Yeah." Finally, this boy showed us his award winning smile. I walked into the house and waited for them to follow me to the DVD rack. "What do you guys think?"

        I watched as both of them scanned the many DVDs on the shelves. I watched as Leeroy accidentally touched Niall's hand and they both stopped to gaze into each other's eyes. I seen the love that filled both of their stares, and I realized how much I wanted that, needed it. No, you are not going to cry in front of your friends. I cleared my throat to erase the lump I had.

"How about ‘The Purge’?" I nodded, and looked over at Leeroy for an answer.

"Isn't that supposed to be scary?" He asked - the plain look of terror in his gaze.

"It's not bad." I stated. I actually found that movie quite interesting. Niall laughed at his reaction, taking the movie off the stand.

"Let's do this!"

        We were half way through the movie, Leeroy was half way on Niall's lap and they looked so comfortable. Niall's hand was slowly rubbing up and down Leeroy's arm for comfort. He was actually concerned for him. My head swung around so fast that I heard something crack when knocking came from the door once again. This time I knew it had to of been him. No one else would come here.

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now