Chapter 3: A Real Treaty

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Chapter 3

The day seemed to pass by quick, and the classes didn't give me much trouble. The boys flirted, some of the girls glared and some seemed to be admire me and my ways of putting jerks in their place.

At the end of the day, I sat down looking through all the students' portfolios with their pictures and information. Might as well, memorize everyones names while I'm at it. Who knows when you might need a human or possibly a supernatural sidekick.

A knock sounded at the door, breaking me from my train of thought.

"Come in." I called, not bothering to look up, as the scent of a certain cologne already told me that Stefan waited on the other side of the door, with his friends standing behind him.

The door opened with a squeak, as Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric a fellow teacher, Damon the guy who hit on me at the bar, and Jeremy Elena's little brother who was in one of the younger grades, all filed into the classroom.

"What can I help you with?" I politely asked, as I straightened up the pile of papers and put them into the folder, giving them my undivided attention.

"For you to leave." Damon spat at me, crinkling his nose in disgust.

I smiled at his insult not bothered at all. "You see Damon, I've come to like this small town. Pretty interesting and a lot to keep me entertained. If you really wanted me gone, you shouldn't have interrupted me outside that bar. I would have left, if nothing kept me here, and you drove me to stay. The fight yesterday was really interesting." Their was a lot of truth in my words except for the one fact that I was planning to stay awhile as soon as I recognized the different species that sat in the one room.

"If you leave now, we won't harm you." Stefan kindly offered.

"What makes you think you can harm me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows in a daring manner.

"Your outnumbered." Alaric pointed out. "It'd be in your best interest to leave."

I stood up walking around my desk. "I was also outnumbered yesterday, but that didn't stop me, from kicking butt."

"You can't just waltz in to my town, and act like you own it." Elena snapped, sounding a little bit like a brat. "Your a vampire, you live off blood, and I'm not having anybody in my town die."

I laughed in her face. Who did she think she is? Like a word from a petty human would change my mind.

"First of all," I began, "I didn't waltz into this town, I drove. Secondly, your neither the founder, or the mayor of this town. And thridly, I like to think of myself as more sophisticated than to drink from someones neck. Very unhygienic if you ask me. I either use blood bags, or I cut the palm or wrist, and poor some blood into a cup, and then I drink it. I do not kill people."

"How can we trust you?" Bonnie asked. "Your a vampire."

"Yeah. I believe I am, but so are your friends, and you still trust them." I pointed out. Since when do witches hang with vampires, and that being a Bennett.

"Well, two of them." Bonnie muttered.

I took in a breath, getting a faint smell of something strange, mixed with perfume and cologne. Immediately, I knew what Bonnie was talking about. "The two bunny eaters?" I asked, looking from Stefan to Caroline with an amused expression. They did know of blood bags right.

"How did you know?" Caroline asked, curiously, as she unconsciously leaned forward making me lean backwards awkwardly. She was still a good five feet away from me though.

"I can smell it." I said tapping my nose. "Perks of being an old vampire."

"How old are you?" Damon asked, for the first time speaking out of curiosity instead of spite.

"What's wrong with this generation?" I asked. "Don't you know to never ask a lady of her age?"

Damon glared at me and walked over to a desk, leaning back on it. I openly gave him a once over, before I looked back to the rest.

"I have a offer I'd like to make." I told them. "I won't harm any humans and then we can all live our lives peacefully. Chances are, I'll get bored and run off to Vegas or New York."

Stefan nodded stifly, as I looked to the rest who all reluctantly nodded, except Damon, who just avoided eye contact.

"Can we please make peace Damon?" I asked rolling my eyes, really wanting to get some blood into my stomach, and maybe get a good night of sleep.

"Fine." Damon said, as he stood up straight. "But the second you do a single thing wrong, I'll be right beside you, to pull your heart out."

"I doubt you can do that all alone pretty boy." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"God! I can't believe I had missed a manicure for this. Now I'll have to compel the lady to push the appointment time." Caroline whined annoyed.

"Well if you have room for one more, I really need to do my nails too." I asked hopefully, showing her my plain old nails, forgetting of my future plans.

Caroline stood up straighter and squealed. "Yes! Yes! Oh my god! We'll be great friends!" Caroline promised.


I carefully parked my car in my driveway and got out. As I was walking along the long pathway to the double doors leading into my home, I felt eyes on me, but continued walking as normal.

Whoever was walking behind me was definitely human judging on how heavily their shoes fell on the ground. The person walked towards me, the small click to their shoes very loud to my sensitive ears.

Just as I felt their breath on the back of my neck, I turned around and grasped the human's neck with my hand.

I cocked my head to the side, surprised to see that my attacker was Alaric.

Just as I was about to speak, I felt a punch on my stomach and a dagger enter afterwards.

I groaned as my hands on his neck left to pull the dagger out of my stomach. Besides the bloody shirt, I felt no different.

"That's something I've never seen before." I said twirling the dagger in my hand and eyeing the device in his sleeve, from which the dagger came from. "I see the hunters are getting better."

"So where'd you get that? The hunters convention?" I asked amused. I saw his hand pull back again, about to punch me. Eyeing the familiar, tacky ring on his finger, I brought my hands out on either sides of his face, and twisted it as his limp body fell to the ground.

"Now to find Mr. Damon and Stefan Salvatore." I muttered to myself, as I crouched down to Alaric's dead body.


Authors Note

Sorry for being such a bad updater for this story. I have another story I'm putting my main focus on. I feel so bad for not updating, but I will try to update more frequently.

Forgive me?

My other tvd fan fic is called, Born Hated and Found, feel free to check it out.

Thanks so much for the votes and comments. I promise they are very appreciated.



The Fiery Original - The Vampire Diaries Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang