Chapter 16: Invisible

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Chapter 16

"Kol, as in that stubborn, devil you call a brother?" Jessie asked for what must've been the sixtieth time, since we left Mystic Falls.

I sighed aggravated and out of the little patience I possessed. "Yes, Jessie," I said, making sure to make the annoyance clear in my voice. "Now shut up, before I shove your heart down your throat."

"Why him?" Jessie asked, completely unfazed by my threat. "Why not Finn, he seems a little more of a good boy."

I made a face at the mention of Finn's name. Another older brother I had. He practically lives in my Mother's arms, he's like her pet dog or something. "Finn's too much of a Momma's boy for me. Now Kol, he's stubborn, and I know he'll hold the back stabbing against Klaus. The only way for me to win against Klaus, is to fight fire with something much bigger- immortals."

I trust that Kol's need to avenge his betrayal, and half-death, will be much stronger than the need to dominate the world, side-to-side with Klaus.

"Okay then, let's do this." Jessie said with a big breath.

"Let's." I responded.

As if on cue, both of us stepped out from the shadows of the trees, and took steps towards the worn out building.

I guess I know why Klaus was moving the coffins around so much before; he was looking for a place like this one. The place would give any mortal being the chills. It was beyond unapproachable. Instead of making mortals curious, and an urge to enter the building for adrenaline, it would give them the chills. Between fight and flight, they would definitely pick flight. The building was far away from civilization, and well hidden in the woods. There was no pathway leading to it either, all angles were surrounded by the thick, old trees. The building itself looked to be taken off of an old haunted building from a tacky horror film. The building was in good condition; no broken doors, windows or roof tops. It looked livable, but it didn't look like something someone would like to call 'home'.

To even get this location, I had to seek help from some dead witches spirit in the old abandoned church in Mystic Falls. One of the reasons that I could never seek the coffins down was because Klaus also had a witch's help. The witch made it so that if anyone used a spell to track the coffins, it would never give you exact locations and would keep moving on the map. The spirits helped me break through that spell, since I was never able to do it on my own. Klaus was giving me the push by the threat of him gaining more power, and Mystic Falls provided me with the right resources.

We opened up the creaky door to the building and continued walking into it. We remained unfazed by the loud alarms that were blared and the red lights that began flashing when we entered the building. A few bulky security guards immediately came in, looking around for any intruders. Jessie and I remained in plain sight knowing full well that they couldn't see us.

It was surprising how much magic could do for someone. Being invisible provided you with many advantages.

"It's a vampire, they disappeared fast." When of the guards spoke to the other.

Jessie and I gave each other amused looks, as together we stepped forwards, making the heels of our shoes click on the ground.

Immediately the security guards straightened up and searched the room looking for us, but not being able to see us.

"Did you here that?" The same guard that has spoked before asked the other.

"Everybody heard it Joe." The other one snapped in response.

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