Chapter 7: Human And Humanity

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Chapter 7

I could feel the pain throughout my body, my heart beating at an impossibly fast pace for a human. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I ran from them. I was breathing loudly through my mouth, trying to suck in as much air as I possibly could, while continuing the run. The huge dress I had donned, was not much of a help either. My bare feet only being a liability, as the rough forest grounds scraped and wounded my bare skin. I'd be better off crawling.

I knew it was a bad idea, it was a horrible idea, but I couldn't help but to do it. I didn't want to be stuck at such a young age, for so long. If there was a way to make me slightly older even in my immortal form, I had to take it. I couldn't have just let the opportunity pass me by. It wasn't my style, it wasn't me.

I never thought they'd find me though. It had been a good hundred years, I didn't think they'd come back. I didn't think they'd be able to hunt me down. They shouldn't be chasing me, they shouldn't be trying to control me. If they were the people I had grown up with, they'd let me be happy, but I'd be a fool to believe that now. They were gone, and replaced. Now I'm left to deal with the demons in their place.

I pushed my back against a tree, trying to quiet down my rapid breathing. It would be a dead give away to them. A hundred years of living like one of those, I knew how to hide, and what would give me away. Even in my weaker form, I am able to hide from them, to become their challenge. It is plainly because I haven't just accepted and lived, I have learned and observed throughout the years. I had become my own research project. I knew the pros and cons of being like them. I knew how to hide, and what would give me away. While they had given away to their demons, I had held him back, and kept my soul. I had felt the guilt and pain, while they had been weak, and chosen the easier option. I knew about them more than they themselves knew. Sometimes your knowledge can dominate over physical strenght and capabilities.

I brought my hands up towards my mouth, trying to reduce the amount of noise I make. I tried to even out the rapid beating of my heart, with no such luck. Adrenaline was pumping and I was afraid. Afraid to be found, to be taken and to be persuaded and forced to be like them.

I am afraid that if they find me, I will only result into the product of what they are.

The previous calls of my names they had been making where gone, as I slowly sunk to the floor, crawling from tree to tree, ever so slowly, trying not to make noises.

A couple of minutes later my breathing had evened out, and my heart beats had slowed down a to normal pace.

Just as I was about to relax and take a break, I heard my name being called.

"Alexis!" My oldest brother yelled in the distance.

"You can't hide forever." Klaus taunted. I was aware their voices were close, and I knew I had to escape fast.

Looking around, I only saw trees, nothing else to give me a hint of which way civilization was. At this rate, they're going to get me.

I lifted my dress in my hands, again ready to run off in a random direction. My eyes were wide trying to look for an escape, but these eyes I had damned myself with, were not very strong, I couldn't see deep into the forest, I couldn't see the minor details. My ears were even worse, only picking up sounds within close distance. My sense of smell, didn't pick up on blood, humans, or even the horse dung smell, that most of the towns had.

Stuck in the land of my thoughts, I hadn't noticed who had appeared in front of me. My older brother Klaus. His eyes were narrowed at me, as I was his prey and he my predator. His head was cocked to the side studying my terrified form. His mouth was etched up in a mocking smirk.

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