Chapter 8: Humble Home

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Chapter 8

Those weird reoccurring flashbacks in my dreams were really messing with my head. It's as if they are trying to tell me something. It's what dreams usually meant. It just reminded me how much I needed them gone. How much I needed to let them go. They weren't the people I knew when I was human. They were a abomination. Plus they were still hunting me down. Which matters to me more right now. I don't need them hunting me down and killing everyone I know.

On the other hand school had been uneventful. Nothing besides a few smirks, to the fellow gifted students I taught. I was hoping something interesting would happen, but I had to get my amusement from picking on kids. Its not like I just picked on them purposely, just when they really deserved it. Some students even questioned me, where I had been, and I just told them I drove back to my old home to pick up a few things.

Like that, a week passed by, and a monday arrived and went. Nothing eventful happened to my disappointment. The other supernatural beings in the town, didn't talk to me since the other night.

I was brought out from my train of thought, when I heard loud footsteps, approaching nearer to my classroom. I tried not to question it, although the school should be practically abandoned due to the fact it was an hour pass dismissal. The footsteps stopped in front of my door, and I could imagine the person was hesitating, when the knock only sounded a few moments after.

"Come in." I said, wondering who it could be.

A few seconds later, my question was answered with the sight of Elena.

I raised an eyebrow at her, as she stepped into the classroom. "Elena, what brings you here?"

"I-I kinda had to ask you for a favour..." She said trailing off, fidgeting with her hands.

"What favour?" I asked, not really in the mood, to do work.

"You said you knew Klaus, I was wondering if you happened to know anything about the curse, or the ritual."

"I do," I said. "but if the topic in anyway relates to Klaus, expect a long story." I admitted. "Meet me at my place, I'm sure your boyfriends would know where it is."

With that, I walked out of the classroom, a jacket slung over my shoulder. I was aware I had slightly insulted her, but if she wants a favour, I want to add some fun in it for me.


An hour later, I was lounging in my living room, when I heard the bell go off. I got off the couch, and used my enhanced abilities, to get to the door in a quick second. I mentally thanked the massive amount of carpenters I had hired for completing the job, as I opened up the door. The sight of Damon, Stefan, Elena, Alaric, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy greeted me.

I shot them my signature smirk, and scowled at Damon who returned it to me.

"Welcome to my humble home." I said, making a welcome gesture with my hands, opening one side of the double doors wider.

They stepped into the home looking around, with a look of aw.

Damon whistled at the sight, of the modern and latest designs in the interior of my home. "Yeah, it's certainly humble." Damon commented, with a load of sarcasm.

"Tell me about it." I told him, as I shut the door, not bothering to lock it, knowing I had tight security.

"Why don't you tell me about why an old vampire has security." Damon suggested.

"Why don't you shutup, and go into the living room." I countered, shooting him a look of annoyance.

"Great, they're at it again." Caroline whined making me smile a bit.

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