Chapter 15: Save

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Chapter 15

"Hey Jessie!" I called out, grabbing his attention. He turned around to face me, as I motioned with my fingers for him to come to me. I had to act a little human, and him knowing what I was saying without screaming would make us suspicious.

Jessie turned back to the blonde he was flirting with, and left her with a cheesy line, saying he'll call her or something. The blonde giggled in response, and watched him as he stalked towards me.

"What's up Lexis?" He asked, once he was close enough.

"Have you seen Stefan or Damon?" I asked curiously.

"No, I was talking to Stefan awhile back, but he got busy with something Damon was upset about." Jessie answered.

"Damon followed Mason into the forest and Stefan followed Damon. It has almost been thirty minutes since. I think something is wrong."

Just as I said that Elena and Caroline ran up towards us.

"Stefan and Damon are still not back." Elena said worriedly.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly. "We kinda' just established that."

"No, Caroline's Mom, the sheriff, is also gone. She hunts vampires, and Caroline knows she can kill them if she wants." Elena says. The look on her face told me just how worried she really was. She looked like she was about to cry, if she didn't find them soon.

"We can't scope out the whole forest looking for them." I informed. "We don't have enough time. The chances are they have vervain and are using it. Which means we won't have any sounds or signs of struggle to follow either."

"There has to be some warehouse or something that they are doing their dirty work in." Jessie pondered. "You guys have lived here all your life, you must know of a place."

"We do." Caroline answered. "I could lead you to it, but I can't go in. My Mom can't find out about me."

With Elena tossed onto Jessie's back, we made it to the warehouse in record time. Their were hushed voices of people talking, but besides that there was nothing. No signs of struggling, no screams of pains, it looked totally normal. Either Damon and Stefan were dead, or too weak to do any damage.

"Jessie and I will take care of everyone inside." I informed Elena and Caroline. "You too stay outside, and be aware of your surroundings."

"Just don't do anything to my Mom." Caroline pleaded.

"I won't." I soothed with a smile. I knew how much family means. A long time ago, I had cared for my family a lot too. Not so much anymore.

Jessie and I gave each other looks, knowing exactly how we were going to play this out.

The door was unlocked, and we both got into the building making minimal noise. Jessie and I both used our vampire speed to our advantage, as we made our way to the room in which voices were emanating from. We flew past the security guard who stood at the door, and into the medium sized room, without getting noticed.

The room was painted a pale blue colour, with a cell in one corner of the room. The rest of the room was pretty open with a small office desk in the corner, and a few chairs scattered around.

"I think we should wait for them to wake up and tell us what they know about vampires." Caroline's mother Sheriff Liz, said. "Damon was on the council too, we also need to know about the lies he's been telling us. I'm going to call the Mayor and let her know."

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