Chapter 9: Dance

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Chapter 9

Katherine had been safely locked up in the tomb, for days now. I felt a sense of satisfaction to have her out of the equation. Everything was playing out the way I wanted to, and soon Klaus would be falling right into my trap.

I flattened out the wrinkles from my dress, as I stood in front of the mirror. It was a casual green dress, for the school dance, that I was chaperoning. I stepped into my heels, and made my way out of room and into the garage.

I turned on my Cadillac, and drove out of the driveway and in the direction of the school. I parked in one of the reserved staff parking spaces, and got out of the car, greeted by a light breeze. The crescent moon was out, indicating how late this function really was.

I made my way through the door, giving a small smile to some of my students from school. I realized that I was a little underdressed, but didn't let it bother me, as I was just a chaperone. Plus, many boys were still sending me flirty smiles, while their girlfriends slapped them.

The dance was nicely decorated, courtesy of Caroline. She had been ordering and demanding the set up volunteers for ages. The gym, now was decorated in an ice theme, with fake ice sculptures and blue details. The table cloth on the tables, had slight tinge of blue too. I felt slightly more odd, seeing I was wearing a green in a blue theme. I noted to actually read the flyer next time.

I walked to the refreshments table, after pushing apart a couple who were getting a little too touchy. Teenagers these days don't have an ounce of decency or shame. Just the smell, of the fruit punch told me that it had already been spiked. I poured some for myself anyways, and went to lean against the wall, utterly bored. If I hadn't been roped into doing this, I would be at home imagining the death of certain people.

After a few minutes of boredom, I heard footsteps approaching me from my left. I ignored them and continued looking straight ahead. The person stopped beside me, and leant on the wall, only centimetres from where I stood. I still ignored the person, feeling very antisocial, and hoping the person would get the hint and go away. Unfortunately, this person happened to be an obnoxious, self-centred butt-hole that I often want to smack in the face.

"I didn't expect you to be here." The voice said. The manly voice was quick to catch my attention and wavered me from the task in hand, which was to ignore anything with a voice.

"I didn't either." I snapped back, looking him over. Damon was in his usual black leather jacket, with a white V-shirt, underneath. He had a dark shade of black jeans on that were tucked into his black combat boots at the bottom. His outfit in general, made me feel more comfortable with my own.

"Oh, It must be someone's time of the month." Damon replied back, bumping his shoulder with mine.

I narrowed my eyes at his figure, not at all bothered by my presence. "Last time I checked, you were hell bent on insulting me, and occasionally growling. If I'm not mistaken you made your dislike clear to me, and even went as far as threatening and torturing me."

Damon smirked at me, and gave me a once over. He gave me a look of satisfaction which I returned with a look of disgust. I've met a lot of people during my years on Earth and Damon was by far one of the most difficult to figure out. One moment he showed me some hospitality, and the next moment he was completely hostile, making his dislike as clear as the water running from a tap.

"I do hate you." Damon casually replied. Not a hint of regret or guilt. If I hadn't of lived as long as I have, I could've easily mistaken him as someone who had turned it off. Then again, he did show that he cared in a strange way. Like how he always protects Elena. His snarky and cocky personality was one that would never change, but he definitely did have some good.

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