Chapter 14: Mason

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Chapter 14

"Mason this is Damon Salvatore." Jenna introduced. The two men gave each other suspicious and knowing looks. Mason raised his hand to shake Damon's but Damon being the giant butt-hole he is, only gave the hand a look and smirked. "And this is Alexis Julie, she's new in town and teaches at the high-school." Like Damon, I was no better and when Mason reached out a hand, I kept mine crossed over my chest and gave him a smirk.

Mason was apparently the surfer type, unlike Tyler, he had lighter hair, and a lankier build. He was pretty hot, and didn't seem as cocky as Tyler, but he was a werewolf nonetheless.

Werewolves were the reason us vampires were damned with this life in the first place. A lot of people believe that werewolves were created to protect humans against vampires, and even out the score, but little do they know how frightful these creatures were on a full moon. Little did they know, that if it weren't for werewolves and the flesh eating monster that came forth every full moon, vampires wouldn't be walking Earth.

After introductions and some unnecessary commentry, we moved on to the foyer. A fancy dining area was set up, clearly meant for formal dining with guests. I noticed silver cutlery laid out on the table. Maybe I should straight up tell Damon that silver did nothing to werewolves, unless heated, but decided that I should just let him figure things out for himself.

I walked towards a chair on the right of the head of the table, but Damon beat me to it. He pulled the chair out and gestured for me to take a seat with one of his hands. My eyes narrowed down at him, and his sudden change in attitude. He has been acting a bit odd since I got here.

Instead of accepting the kind offer and taking a seat, I walked pass the chair, and sat to the one next to it. Damon sat on the chair he pulled out, a scowl on his face.

Jenna, sat across from me, Alaric on her right in front of Damon, and Mason on the other side. Jenna called the dinner an 'adult' dinner, so Elena and Caroline were sitting up in Elena's room.

"I hope you guys like lasagne!" Jenna's preppy voice called out as she uncovered a tray.

"Looks good Jenna." I complimented with a genuine smile.

"Now only if it tastes as good as it looks." Mason joked.

"Oh shut up." Jenna light heartedly said, as she began serving the food.

Mason smiled and looked towards Damon. "Damon, I've heard really nice things about you."

"Really that's wierd, because I'm a jerk." Damon confessed, as he stabbed a fork into the lasagne on his plate.

"I agree, you're a total jerk, you kinda' wear the 'D' on your face." Jenna commented.

"C'mon Jenna I'm not that bad." Damon said, taking a bite of the lasagne.

"You've never dated you before. I've dated many you's."

"Well, I'm a work in progress." Damon said with a smirk. His basic defence mechanism was not taking any insults.

The talking was left to Jenna, Damon, and Mason as Alaric and I remained quiet throughout their bickering. Soon we finished dinner, and Damon bought out the dessert.

He put a silver knife on top of the cheesecake and pushed it towards Mason.

"You go first." Damon slyly suggested.

Mason took it and turned it around, grabbing a piece with his hand. "Sorry, I'm an animal."

"That you are." I mumbled.

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