Chapter 21: Awoken

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Chapter 21

Once In an attempt to be spontaneous and adventurous, I tried to climb Mount Everest. I was there with one of my faithful companions, as he aided me in my journey. Our journey. It was all fine, up until our laughter caused an avalanche of snow to bury us deep under. That was a time where Helicopters didn't exist, and no one could come to our rescue. Although both of us where vampires, the lack of air and oxygen, killed us again and again.

We were in there for weeks, and the snow above us got hard, making it even more difficult to escape. Finally one day when I revived from being killed numerous times, I noticed a small opening, where the sun was shining through. Immediately I reached for it and felt the fresh air on my hand. Soon I dug my way out of the snow and escaped. I spent hours afterwards looking for Jerald, my companion, but couldn't find him anywhere. With hunger getting in my way I left to find something to feed on. I went back to look for him numerous times but never found him.

I know what it feels like to die again and again. I would never go through it again. Not even to save someone I love. I don't think I would be able to endure that kind of pain, but then again, I haven't been in love in a long time and don't know what it feels like.

That's why I panicked when I opened my eyes to see that I was in a small confined space.

Immediately I tried to sit up, but my head hit something hard and I fell back down into my laying position. I didn't even have enough room to move my hands. I think I also have dirt in my mouth. The right way to go about this was to say calm, and try to dig myself out, but I panicked.

My heart started thumping and my head was pounding. A scream got lodged in my throat as I began panicking in the small confined space.

Soon breathing got difficult, and I slipped away into the taunting darkness, living- dead through a nightmare.


I could hear the pitter-patter of rain, in my half awake state.


A thick drop of rain fell on my forehead, making my eyes flutter and finally open. It was dark, like all the other times I opened my eyes, but something was different.

It was very damp, and humid underground, but I could breath. Breathing was definitely still hard, but it was better than nothing.

This was my chance, the soil was damp, and although I was buried plenty of feet under, I should be able to reach the surface.


"Where the hell have you been?" Jesse asked as I entered the foyer of my home, grumbling to myself. "And why do you look like you've been through a hurricane?"

"Somebody, had the nerve to burry me alive!" I growled angrily, unclenching and clenching my fists.

"Me!" I yelled. "Someone caught me of guard."

"Wait," Jesse said, "you were burried?"

"Is that not what I just said?" I snappily asked.

"Where you by chance going out of town before you were buried?" Jesse asked.

"Why does that even matter?"

"Just answer," Jesse urged.

"No, why would I?"

"Because that's the story Damon has been passing around."


"Alexis your back!" Caroline cheered, as I walked into the bar&grill to join their table along with Jesse.

"I had some business to deal with out of town." I smirked as I took a seat, and observed Damon's pissed off and confused face. "I had to deal with some witches that owe me."

"So far everything has been clear. No sights of Klaus or Elijah." Stefan informed.

"That's nice."

"Alaric may have found some white oak ashes too." Bonnie pitched in.

"Cool." I casually stated slightly frightened. " Now we'll be prepared."

How long till Damon finds out that witches weren't the reason I'm still alive? There are not many conclusions he can make, especially when we're talking about the real deal so often.

I can't keep informing them about The Originals when I'm one myself.


Authors Note

Pretty short, but I haven't got too much time right now.

After the 20th I should be able to update more.

I just finished summatives and soon will need to write my exams. So i've been busy, and school is 100% my main priority right now, so sorry!



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