Chapter 13: Observe

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Chapter 13

A smile tugged at my lips seeing Jesse and Jeremy bond like brothers. I'm not sure whether it is over the video games they were currently playing, or if they were secretly sharing drugs. They both have history with drugs, but I know that Jesse wouldn't give drugs to someone as young as Jeremy. He even refuses to share them with me, and I'm older than him. Usually I would just tackle him for them, but I couldn't risk getting high and vulnerable; especially with danger lurking around.

Currently I'm lounging in Elena's home. She shot me a glare when she came in and saw me on her couch, with my feet kicked up on the coffee table and a magazine in my hands. I returned her glare with a sickeningly sweet smile, and returned to my magazine, enjoying the sight of the shirtless guys. Elena was definitely taken back, probably because I don't smile much. I didn't acknowledge her, but after a few minutes when she was still standing in the same spot, by the front door, I was forced to turn around and raise my eyebrows at her. She was playing with her fingers, avoiding eye contact and uncomfortably leaning on one foot, all signs of nervousness.

"What is it?" I asked her, knowing it had something to do with myself or my knowledge of certain things. Why else would she be here?

"I- I just wanted to ask you a question?" She said, briefly meeting my eyes, then looking away.

"About what?" I asked annoyed. The clock was ticking, and she was wasting some good Channing Tatum shirtless time.

"When you said that as soon as you get the moonstone, you were going to be gone, what exactly did you mean?" She asked fidgeting around nervously.

I rolled my eyes at her question and stupidity. Her mere sight seemed to piss me off, and I knew a lot of it had to do with the fact that she was a doppelgänger. "I meant that as soon as we make sure Klaus has no way of breaking the curse, I'll be gone." I said, and paused, thinking the question over. "Even if that means taking the moonstone with me."

"Would you give us out to Klaus? Would you take the moonstone and give it to Klaus for your own personal gain?"

"Let's get this straight for once and for all. I do not like Klaus. I will not give him anything that would satisfy him, because all his satisfactions are based upon seeing other people fail, or gaining more power for himself.

"Klaus and I have a feud, because Klaus wants to take away something from me, that rightfully belongs to myself. Klaus does not control me. I will not let him think he won, because he doesn't deserve it. You don't have to worry about me bailing, because I am not going to leave something half done. I will not leave till you are safe from Klaus. That's a promise."

I get up from the couch, no longer in the mood to stay, and continue staring at Hollywood's hottest men. I toss the magazine on the counter, and grab my keys, and phone from the coffee table. "Jesse I'll meet you at home."

"Yeah man, see yeh." He grunted then murmured the response, completely engrossed in the game.

I rolled my eyes, and made my way to the front door. Just as I was stepping out of the house, Elena's voice stopped me.

"Jenna's hosting this barbecue, with some of her friends, and asked me to give you an invite."

"Jenna? Your Aaunt?" I asked, peering over my shoulder to give Elena a brief look. "I don't even know them, why would I come?"

"Damon and Mason are going to be there too."

"I'll think about it." I muttered, slamming the door behind me, as I exited the house.

The Fiery Original - The Vampire Diaries Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora