Chapter 17: White Oak

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Chapter 17

You know that feeling you get where you are in a dream like stage, but are still able to tune in to things happening in the real world? That's what's happening to me right now.

I so eagerly just want to wake up and tell the voices to get lost, but there was some sort of clouding in my head which made it feel like it weighed a ton. When I tried, all I managed was a groan. I adjusted myself on the rather comfy bed, and buried myself further into the soft comforter.

"Should we wake them?"

"What are they doing in the same bed anyway?"

"Do you think something happened?"


I groaned rubbing my head at all the voices disturbing the sleep I enjoyed very much. Knowing it was inevitable, I slowly sat up rubbing my pounding head with eyes still shut tight.

"She's awake!"

"We can all see Blondie."

Slowly I peeled my eyes open, to the sight of the Mystic Falls Drama club.

You have to grant that I probably was drinking God knows what last night, and it eventually knocked me out cold. I wasn't in the best mood to see Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie in my room staring at me like I was some sort of art exhibit.

"I see you got rid of them tacky bodyguards," Caroline commented casually as if her being in my bedroom was a regular occurrence. "I didn't like them much."

"Thought the gates would do. Plus, they attracted too much attention." I calmly responded, before letting some of the anger show. "What the hell are you all doing here in my bedroom? Go away, now."

"You wouldn't answer your phone-" Elena began before being cut off by Damon.

"What is he doing in your bed?" Damon questioned, with narrowed eyes. There was this glint in his eyes, that on most people would usually mean jealousy, but Damon is most definitely not most people.

"What is who-oh!" I was genuinely surprised to see a naked male's back beside me. In a rush to get off the bed, my feet got tangled with the covers, and instead of getting off the bed gracefully, I fell. My head hit the floor hard making me groan as the pounding in my head increased. My legs still remained on the bed tangled with the sheets, as the rest of my body was on the floor.

"Why is there so much noise?" I heard a familiar voice whine from on top of the bed. I groaned as I realized who I was really freaking out over.

I struggled to get myself standing, and out of the sheets. I brushed the practically non-existent dirt away from my tank top and short shorts.

"It's just Jessie." I said sighing in relief. I thought I brought home some ugly one night stand, due to the vodka glasses I had on. Thankfully, it's just Jessie, and we have known each other too long to screw it up by making mistakes such as hooking up, no matter the circumstances.

"You hooked up with Jessie?" Caroline asked, anger very prominent on her face.

"" I said awkwardly. "We must've just gotten too drunk and passed out."

"Oh." Caroline mumbled, a light blush coating her cheeks.

"So nothing happened?" Bonnie asked. "I thought you guys were together."

"Well we're not." I said grumpily. "Now tell me why you guys are here." I demanded.

"Elijah's back." Stefan said, immediately getting to the point.

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