Chapter 4: Never Drink With Damon

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Chapter 4

I bought the old chevy I owned into the driveway of what I was told was the Salvatore home.

I stepped out of the car, admiring the huge Victorian style home, but mine was still bigger... and better.

Leaving Alaric's dead body in the backseat, I walked up to the huge double doors. Picking up the knocker, I let it fall loudly, against the door.

I winced a little at the loud noise wondering why a vampire needed such a loud bell.

A waited a few more minutes till the door opened and a cocky, arrogant vampire greeted me.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked, one arm behind the door, and the other holding a bottle of Vodka.

"Drinking alone?" I asked, eyeing the liquid substance in his hands, that I so badly wanted in mine. "Got room for one more?"

He looked me up and down, in my ripped leather shorts, and a leather vest jacket. I did the same to him admiring his perfectly sculptured chest through his unbuttoned shirt.

He opened the door wider, and before I took a step in, I paused. "Actually, can you carry something for me from my car?"

He rolled his eyes, and followed me outside till I opened the passenger door and he froze.

"What the hell did you do?" He grolwed, trapping me against the car with his arm around my neck.

"I didn't do anything except snap his pretty little neck." I responded, prying his hands off my neck. "He put a dagger through my stomach, so I snapped his neck, but that was only after I noticed that ring."

He mumbled something under his breath, before he reached for Alaric's body. I followed him into the house, and into what looked like a parlour, where he dropped Alaric's body onto a couch.

He began drinking again as I stood their waiting.

"May I help you?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Aren't you gonna offer your guest a drink?" I asked.

"Not uninvited ones." He said, and continue drinking.

"Fine." I mumble, walking over to the bar. "I'll treat myself."

I opened up some cupboards, and pulled out an old bottle of scotch.

Immediately Damon was by my side. "I've been saving that for years. Your not gonna get a drop."

He pulled it out of my hands and put it back into the cupboard. I glared at his back, and turned around towards the bar, and poured myself a random drink.

Taking a sip of it, I smiled happily tasting the familiar taste of bourbon.

I sat down on the coach next to Damon and propped my feet up onto the coffee table.

"C'mon Damon! He'll come back alive." I said nudging him with my elbow.

Damon gave me a glare and continued to take sips of his alcohol.

"Wanna take shots?" I asked, downing the rest of the substance in my glass.

Damon scoffed. "With you? I think I'll pass."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I wasn't offering to do the dirty. How much harm could some shots do?"

When he didn't answer, I decided to provoke him a bit. "Aw! Is little old Damon scared?" I made a pouty face at him as he glared at me. He then stood up.

Some shots turned into dozens of them. All though it takes a while to get a vampire drunk, Damon and I were definitely drunk.

Alaric left after he had woken up and explained himself to Damon and I. Under the influence, I was definitely more trusting and easy going, because I just shrugged and let Alaric go.

The music was turned up loud, as some One Republic blasted through the speakers.

"You still didn't tell me where your from." Damon pointed out.

"Was I supposed to?" I asked confused, as I continued to move to the beat in front of Damon.

Damon shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"I guess your right, it doesn't." I said. "That's why you shouldn't care."

"Nicely avoided." Damon complimented. "But what about your age?"

I laughed at Damon's attempts. "I'm way to old for anyone... even you."

Damon raise his eyebrows as he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into his chest.

He bent down a bit to put his forehead against mine, as his other hand snaked around my waist.

"Why won't you tell me anything?" He asked, moving his head down so he was nuzzling my neck.

My breathing picked up as I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of how close we were.

Suddenly, I felt a stab in my back, as pain began to fill my body. There was more stinging on my neck, which I realized Damon had bit.

I was alive long enough to know that I had been injected with vervain, and Damon knew it was happening considering how he only bit my neck but didn't drink my blood.

The vervain I knew was a large dose, because usual amounts don't affect me as much.

I pushed Damon off of me and staggered, the alcohol and the vervain in my system not helping.

I turned around to see Stefan, Alaric, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline.

I knew I had lost the battle, I wouldn't be able to fight in this state. Instead I laughed and gave them each one of my menacing stares. "You'll never get anything out of me."

I knew they had questions and me being so secretive made them insecure. I was not going to give into them. Living for as long as I did, I've been threatened, provoked and tortured a lot.

Damon appeared beside them staring at me.

"Maybe we just wanna kill you." Damon said.

"Good luck." I offered and laughed in their faces. I gripped the near by table, not wanting to fall down.

"She should be on the floor." Alaric pointed out.

"What if she practises with vervain like Katherine?" Stefan asked curiously.

"You know Katerina?" I asked remembering a story about her in Mystic Falls playing with the Salvatore brothers. "So you are the Salvatore brothers I heard about."

Damon growled, as I gripped my head with one of my hands, wanting the pounding to go away. They must have inserted a lot of vervain in me for me to feel so nauseous and weak.

"Just go do it. She can't fight anymore." I heard Alaric say.

I squeezed my eyes tighter, as I felt another pinch in my upper arm, which slowly began to spread, making my body instantly numb.

Voiced began to fade away, as slowly darkness began to creep towards me, before it engulfed me whole.


I could feel an intense pounding in my head. I felt a little nauseous, and very weak. I haven't felt like this in such a long time. My head continued its spiral movements as I began to remember things my brother had told me, after the monster within him took over.

Don't give anyone a second chance.

Trust is a lie.

Family first.

Love will be your biggest weakness.

Don't fail me.

Always watch your back.

I groaned at the pain, not the one that had been physically inflicted on me, but the mental pain I had been through.

My heart ached at the remembrance of my brother and my family. We had been a little dysfunctional at first, but I loved it. Then our mother turned us into demons, into who we are today. Into something I promised myself I'd never be.

I felt a tear slip from my eye, but that was all. All the love I had given, had backfired on me. It always did and I don't need to feel it anymore. I've dealt with it so long that now I was use to the pain.

"I see your awake." I heard a voice.

My eyes flickered open as I stared at Damon. He looked fuzzy at first, but soon his image got clearer. I remembered what had happened and immediately growled. Even though I was weak, I was still strong. I saw the doppelgänger who was standing behind Damon flinch.

I looked around to see that I was in an old dungeon type celler. It was mostly all gray, with a little bit of green on the wall, from the fungi growing around the unkept spot. The walls were also old and slightly cracked.

"You all will regret this! I'll kill you all." I snarled, as I tried to lunge at them, but something pulled me down. I looked down at myself and realized that I was tied up and bound to a chair, with vervain soaked ropes. I flinched slightly at the pain that the vervain gave me, due to my weakened state. I decided that they had definitely drained some of my blood, due to my blood coated legs, and the fact that vervain couldn't hold me down for too long. Smart.

"Reality check! You can't" Damon smirked.

"Damon just get to the point!" Stefan interfered.

"Fine!" Damon snapped at his brother. I guess my family is not the only dysfunctional one.

Damon turned to me with a smirk. "What are you doing here?"

"I already told you." I pause as I coughed and felt the food from yesterday coming up. "I travel a lot, Mystic Falls was just another stop before you made this more interesting."

Damon came closer and stabbed a stake through my leg. I didn't give him the satisfaction if hearing me scream. I grunted and got over it.

"Just tell us the truth!" Caroline screamed. I could sense the worry in her tone, and I guess that's because we bonded while we got our nails done.

"You either do this the easy way or the hard way." Damon thretened, ignoring Caroline.

"I prefer neither!" I spat at him.

"Then prepare for the torture to begin." Damon taunted, but I didn't break. I've seen scarier things then him.

"Your the one whose going to begging for mercy after I'm done with you." I threatened.

Before he could response, I put my head to the side and all the contents from yesterday, was sprawled onto the floor. I heaved as, tears welled my eyes. I've never been one that could handle throwing up. Always scared me. Luckily, none of it got onto me. It was all on the side of the chair on the dirty cellar ground.


Authours Note:

I'm soo sorry for not updating guys!!! I tried to make this one a longer update!

In this last few weeks or so a lot has happened. my mom had a surgery and I was their with her, one of my close cousins got engaged, so I was there too and we had this huge short story english assignment to write. Oh and I also had to hand make a flip book for one of my classes, plus the Niagra Falls trip, the assignment we got after that, and our nee novel study! so i guess you could say I have my hands full right now!

I also had to start the sequel to my other fan fic, so I was more focused on that! So sorry guys!!!

I feel soo bad keeping you guys waiting!!! i'm soo sorry!!! i should've update sooner!

Please comment any questions and I'll make sure to reply and answer them as soon as i can! :)


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