Walking Along the Lakeside

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Haha see y'all were expecting them to kiss awkwardly in the first part huh? No sir. Also I kept the "I hate sand" line there because whether you liked it or not it gives a subtle foreshadowing into his hate for his home planet, it makes you picture a little Anakin, in the hot torturous Tatooine, forced to work all day with no friends or fun. It's basically a part 2 to the original lakeside scene, and a replacement for the picnic scene.

ANAKIN and PADMÉ spent the rest of the evening walking and conversing.

ANAKIN continuing.
So the heart of a lightsaber is the crystal, they come in different colors which hold different abilities. You have to put all of your focus into it so you can connect with its abilities. And when the connection is finally made you can assemble all of the parts by use of the force.

How difficult was that?

Probably the most difficult thing I ever learned to do.

What is the significance of your color?

Blue symbolizes protection and justice. It's a very common color, but each Jedi who possesses it makes it unique in a way. The crystal chooses you, but you take it, and you adhere to it.

PADMÉ in a slight flirtatious tone.
Suppose I were a Jedi, what color do you think I would possess?

ANAKIN a little shaken.
Well...In my opinion, I believe you might be up for more than one color. There's green, which symbolizes peace, yellow, for intrigue and pursuit, then there's white, which is a very rare color. It symbolizes obedience and service. All of which I think are very reflective of you.

They gaze at each other for the shortest time.

ANAKIN looks away.
...But like I said, it's just my opinion.

PADMÉ nods her head.

ANAKIN looks up to the sky, now a darkened shade of orange and blue. They find it both soothing and intimate.

Wow, you almost can't tell it's gotten darker.

Exactly, you spend a lot of time out here, especially this time of day, and you kind of just...adapt.

ANAKIN speaking on a whim.
Was there ever a time where you had forgotten about me?

You weren't someone I could forget about. When I first met you I was very stressed and afraid...but you were comforting and encouraging, and to see you overcome your odds...I really needed that, you know?

I'm amazed to see you with a smile on your face after these recent incidents.

I think it's because I finally got to see you again.

ANAKIN becomes anxious, but in a good way.

And spending time together like this now, it's so rejuvenating.

ANAKIN looks at the beauty all around them and exhales pleasantly.
Maybe this whole hiding thing wasn't such a bad idea after all.

I couldn't agree more. I haven't thought about the vote since we left the palace, and honestly, I don't ever want to think about it again.

ANAKIN chuckles.
There's the real Padmé.

PADMÉ laughs, and hugs his arm, leaning her head against his shoulder.

I really missed her.

PADMÉ sighs.
I really missed that Anakin guy I once met.

You know...on the days when I was too fed up with my masters, I wanted to just quit everything and run away....then hopefully find you again somewhere, and just talk for hours.

PADMÉ thinks.
I meant a lot to you, didn't I?

ANAKIN sarcastic.
I saved your life, didn't I?

PADMÉ rolls her eyes.
You did. Thank you for that.

You don't have to thank me.

But I wouldn't be here right now, feeling like it was just yesterday when we were fourteen, if you hadn't cared about me so much as to barge into my room and then dive through my window! That was a very motivated action.

ANAKIN knows she's onto him now, but he likes it. He tries to play it off jokingly.

Hey, I was only doing my job as your protector. But I was really thinking more for the good of the Senate, not so much you personally.

Oh no, it's because you were thinking of me, in a very caring way...what was really going through your head, huh?

ANAKIN stops to face her. He shouldn't talk like this to her, but he really wants to.

ANAKIN hesitant.
I was thinking that...I had just seen you after ten long years, and if I were to let you die already, I'd be very disappointed in myself.

PADMÉ is speechless for a moment, realizing that he does like her.

I'd be disappointed in you too.

ANAKIN pretends to be dumbfounded. PADMÉ laughs. He firmly places his hands on her shoulders. She looks up at him hopefully.

I made a promise to you before I left. You remember it, right?

...You said our friendship would still be intact, even if we weren't.

And, that we would see each other again.

You certainly stuck to your word.

She was moments away from making the first move if he wasn't going to. But then, without thought, ANAKIN leans in and kisses her tenderly on the forehead. PADMÉ closes her eyes and lets her heart flutter. After a few seconds he pulls away and their eyes meet in very close proximity, so close they can feel each other's breath against their lips. She looks down at his with temptation, then closes her eyes and moves ever so slightly towards them and pauses.

Suddenly it's as if for the first time, ANAKIN questions his affection for her; whether or not this was a good idea. After realizing he wasn't going to kill that minuscule of space between them, PADMÉ opens her eyes and sees this register in him.

The charm of something so sweet and anticipated faded out after only a few seconds. And they were so damn close. ANAKIN lifts his head to where his mouth whispers against her temple. She shuts her eyes once more, anguished.

My apologies...

He then briskly takes off back to the retreat in shame, leaving her there dumbfounded, to watch as the distance expands once again.

Attack of the Clones: Rewrittenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن